
Publisher Forces Minions To Faux-Facebook

Emily · 05/07/07 01:50PM

"For years we've sent agents biographical profiles of our editors every season along with our catalog," Little,Brown publisher Michael Pietsch (pictured!) says, by way of justifying his decision to make all his Hachette imprint's editors post online profiles on Publishers Marketplace. "The editors have a lot more room on the site to talk about what kinds of books they like, to describe some of their favorite moments, to include photos of their kids and cats." Kittypix are in short supply on the editors' current profiles, however. Some don't even choose to include the requisite headshot, leading us to wonder whether Asya Muchnick is hideously deformed or something! (J/k, she's cute.) In fact, the general dearth of personal information on these leads us to wonder whether the editors are so crazy about their boss's great idea.