
The Dallas Police Department Was Completely Winging It When It Used a Killer Robot Last Month

Andy Cush · 08/09/16 01:20PM

After Dallas police officers used a bomb-carrying robot last month to kill the sniper Micah X. Johnson, it was widely reported that the incident marked the first time an American law enforcement agency had used that technique. But it appears that the bombing was not only unprecedented, but utterly unplanned-for: According to the Dallas Police Department’s open records team, the department has no written rules, guidelines, or protocols for how or when to use bomb-carrying robots against suspects.

Dallas Police Used a Robotic Bomb to Kill a Suspect Last Night 

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/08/16 10:30AM

During a press conference Friday, Dallas Police Chief David O. Brown revealed that the fourth suspect in the Dallas attack died not by a self-inflicted gunshot wound, as had previously been reported, but by a bomb detonated by police officers. It appears to be the first time law enforcement has used such a tactic on U.S. soil.