
Mevio, née Podshow, replaces cofounder with new CEO

Jackson West · 10/01/08 11:00PM

As they say in fashion: One day you are in, and the next day, you are out. And the same is true even for podcasting startups long after podcasting went out of style. Ron Bloom, cofounder of then Podshow, now Mevio, just touted the rollout of a site redesign on Monday. Now a tipster tells us that Bloom has been replaced as chief executive by Jeff Karp, the SVP of marketing at video game publisher Electronic Arts. The company received $15 million more in funding in July for a total of $23.5 million. The new site has rolled out "channels" of entertainment and other programming, but one look at the trend on Compete shows you all you need to know about the startup's prospects even after the name change.

Adam Curry's PodShow changing its name?

Jackson West · 04/15/08 02:40PM

Former MTV Web jockey Adam Curry's PodShow podcasting network is being renamed — to Mevio. At least that's what it looks like from this domain listing forwarded by a tipster. While podcasting was the hot new thing back in 2005, the luster has worn off. It's easy for producers to publish, but not so convenient for consumers. In the time it takes to find an interesting podcast, subscribe, and hook up your iPod, you could have watched five YouTube videos. Best thing that could possibly happen? Other "Pod-" named companies might get the hint and rename themselves as well.