
Hitler's Face Will Appear On Twenty D.C. Buses for the Next Four Weeks

Dayna Evans · 05/17/14 03:00PM

If you live in D.C., get ready for a a few weeks of racism skewed as advertising. Twenty D.C. Metrobuses will feature an advertising campaign that calls for an end to U.S. foreign aid in Islamic countries—accompanied by a picture of Hitler talking to an anti-Jewish Islamic leader during World War II.

Video Shows D.C. Metrobus Driver Literally Throwing Off Passenger

Matt Cherette · 09/07/11 04:35AM

Washington, DC transit officials launched an investigation on Tuesday after learning of a video that appears to show a Metrobus driver forcibly throwing a passenger off a bus and straight to the ground. A Metro spokesman called the driver's actions "completely unacceptable" and noted that "appropriate action" would be taken against him just as soon as they figure out who the hell he is. Because they don't know.