
Downtown San Francisco no longer capable of supporting three Starbucks per intersection

Melissa Gira Grant · 07/18/08 06:20PM

Next year's Macworld may be the last chance to make a shamefaced Starbucks run to the mall-kiosk latte dispenser in the Metreon. Why did the Seattle coffee monoculturist give six months' notice of that coffee-bar's closure, and 599 others? Why, to retrain loyalists on other locations within footsteps. We already know that you drink only at establishments where the coffee pickers are unionized, graduate-degreed, and constantly hugged. And so do we. But here's our map of the remaining South of Market Starbucks — and all the Blue Bottle locations — anyway. Only to show to your sleep-addled board members when they visit for a meeting.

Secret Facebook event at the Metreon tonight

Jackson West · 05/09/08 11:54PM

While out and about, a possibly over-enthusiastic Valleywag correspondent heard rumors of a Facebook "prom" being held at the highly anticipated, but as yet unopened, new San Francisco branch of New York's famed Tavern on the Green within the Metreon in SOMA. Those lucky few on the inside remember: Pics or it didn't happen! Update: There is indeed a private Facebook party on the fourth floor of the Metreon, but of course the Tavern on the Green won't take over the space until at least next year.(Photo by Shiny Things)