
Knowles-Carters Release Statement Regarding Met Brawl

Caity Weaver · 05/15/14 03:56PM

The Beygency has just released an official statement to the Associated Press regarding the recently leaked elevator security footage captured at the Met Gala earlier this month. In it, Jay Z and Solange "each assume their share of responsibility" for the confrontation. They also dismiss reports that Solange was "intoxicated or displaying erratic behavior throughout that evening" as "simply false." She was just being herself. :)

Solange Just Posted Two Pictures of Beyoncé (and Solange) to Instagram

Caity Weaver · 05/15/14 10:39AM

Solange Knowles, a Houston woman who threw 'bows at her 44-year-old brother-in-law in an elevator following a party on Cinco de Mayo, threw back Thursday by posting old photographs of herself with elder sister Beyoncé to Instagram. Knowles made headlines on Tuesday when she deleted a photo of herself and Beyoncé from her account—a move which apparently prompted Beyoncé to repost four pictures of the siblings to her own account, which is more popular.

Beyoncé Vomited Old Solange Photos All Over Her Instagram This Morning

Caity Weaver · 05/14/14 08:27AM

Following Solange's attempt yesterday to erase Beyoncé from the historical record by apparently purging (almost) all photos of her from her Instagram account*, Beyoncé hit back in classic big sister fashion early Wednesday morning, uploading a bunch of photos of the two of them to her Instagram, and effectively commanding Solange in a calm, quiet voice to stop hitting herself, stop hitting herself.