
Washington's New Bailout, UBS Stays in the Game

cityfile · 02/09/09 06:39AM

• Details about the Obama administration's plan to revise the bailout are still sketchy, but more will be revealed by Tim Geithner tomorrow. [WSJ, BN, DB]
• UBS is slashing bonuses by 80 percent, but the bank says it does not have plans to get out of investment banking altogether. [BN]
• Barclays announced that quarterly profits exceeded analysts' estimates. [BN]
• More trouble for Bill Ackman's Pershing Square Capital. [DB, NYP]
• Goldman chief Lloyd Blankfein addresses what went wrong on Wall Street in a op-ed piece for the Financial Times. [FT, FT]
• Sunday's New York Times, meanwhile, provides an account of what went wrong between Merrill's John Thain and BofA's Ken Lewis. [NYT]

More Talk About Pay, Markopolos on Capitol Hill

cityfile · 02/05/09 07:05AM

• Bank of America went ahead with the purchase of Merrill Lynch—even after having last-minute doubts—because Washington pushed it to do so. [WSJ]
• Yesterday's testimony by Harry Markopolos before a House subcommittee looking into the Madoff affair was eye-opening, to say the least. [NYT, Reuters]
• One damning accusation by Markopolos: Walter Noel's Fairfield Greenwich Group went on a "three-year auditing shopping spree." [Fortune]
• Another Markopolos revelation: The Wall Street Journal missed numerous chances to break the Madoff story open. [Clusterstock]
• Reaction to Obama's plan to cap Wall Street pay—and opinions as to whether it could even work or not—has been all over the map. [WSJ, BN, NYT]
Erin Callan took a leave from Credit Suisse because she's been summoned to testify before a grand jury about the collapse of Lehman Brothers. [NYP]
• The number of new claims for jobless benefits reached its highest level since the 1982 recession last week. [WSJ]

BofA To Give Up 3 Jets, 1 Helicopter

cityfile · 02/04/09 02:55PM

Bank of America announced today it plans to sell three of its corporate jets, as well as a Merrill Lynch helicopter that it inherited when it acquired the brokerage firm. BofA will still have six planes left even after the sale. And still no word on when the bank plans to sell off the carpets in John Thain's old office. [AP]

Pay Caps, Canceled Trips, Defections

cityfile · 02/04/09 06:58AM

• More details about President Obama's plans to limit Wall Street pay are emerging. So is plenty of criticism. "I don't think the president should paint everyone with the same brush," says JPMorgan's Jamie Dimon. [BN, WSJ, BN]
• Wells Fargo has scrapped plans to host a employee conference in Las Vegas after the bank was pummeled with criticism. [WSJ]
• A dozen top bankers from Merrill-BofA have defected to Deutsche Bank. [TD]
• Lazard's fourth-quarter profits dropped by 50 percent. [DB]
Daniel Och is doubling down on his hedge fund, Och-Ziff. [WSJ]
• Both Citigroup and the Mets say they're standing by their stadium plan. [NYP]
• Bloomberg LP is laying off staff. [Clusterstock]
• The House will hear testimony about Bernie Madoff today from Harry Markopolos, the investigator who tried to blow the whistle on him. [NYT]

More Bonus Backlash

cityfile · 02/02/09 07:05AM

• President Obama is expected to push for tight restrictions on executive compensation in order to improve public perception of the bailout. [WSJ]
• A group of angry Bank of America shareholders will demand that Ken Lewis get the boot at the bank's upcoming annual meeting. [NYP]
• Lehman Brothers is still hiring people to help wind down the firm. And it's receiving a ton of resumes from out-of-work Wall Streeters. [WSJ]
• Weill-gate continues: Now it turns out Sandy Weill used a Citi jet to go on a Mexican vacation, although he may reimburse Citi for some expenses. [NYP]
• Deutsche Bank plans to cut bonuses by an average of 60 percent. [BN]
Fortune explains why Merrill had such a disastrous fourth quarter. [Fortune]
• Consumer spending fell in December for a sixth consecutive month. [BN]

Bonus Fallout, Dismal Economic Data

cityfile · 01/30/09 07:17AM

Andrew Cuomo may demand the return of $4 billion in bonuses paid by Merrill Lynch just before it was acquired by Bank of America. [BN]
• U.S. GDP shrank 3.8% in the fourth quarter, the most since 1982. [BN, NYT]
• Two senators have introduced legislation to regulate hedge funds. [NYT]
• A handful of ex-Merrill execs were victims of Bernie Madoff. [WSJ]
• More layoffs at Morgan and Goldman are in the works. [Dealbreaker]
• A silver lining to the recession (at least for non-lawyers): Corporate firms are dropping rates and looking at "alternative billing practices." [NYT]
• "Private equity is not dead," says Henry Kravis. Glad to hear it! [DB]

JPMorgan's Madoff Problem, Cuomo Turns Up the Heat

cityfile · 01/29/09 07:16AM

• JPMorgan had concerns about Bernie Madoff this fall and decided to pull its own money from Madoff's fund. Why didn't the bank inform its clients? [NYT]
Andrew Cuomo plans to expand the scope of his investigation into the bonuses paid by Merrill Lynch. [WSJ]
• BofA is planning to defer bonus payments to some staff this year. [FT]
• UBS has cut its bonus pool for 2008 by more than 80 percent. [BN]
• Wall Street bonuses totaled $18.4 billion in 2008, down from about $33 billion in 2007. [NYT, BW]
• Last year will go down as the worst for new home sales since 1982. [WSJ]
• Ford reported a net loss of $5.9 billion for the fourth quarter. [CNN]
• Interested in a Bernie Madoff action figure? You're in luck. [Clusterstock]

Wells Takes a Loss, Steve Schwarzman Dreams On

cityfile · 01/28/09 06:13AM

• Wells Fargo reported a $2.55 billion loss for the fourth quarter; it also said recently acquired Wachovia lost $11 billion during the period. [BN, WSJ]
Steve Schwarzman says it's a "wonderful time" for the industry, despite the fact his net worth has dropped by $7 billion in recent months. [BN]
Andrew Cuomo has subpoenaed former Merrill chief John Thain. [WSJ]
• Wall Street bonuses dropped 44% in 2008. [BN]
• Bank of America's board of directors is now feeling the heat. [NYT]
• It was Tim Geithner who convinced Citi to scrap plans to buy a new jet. [FT]
• Lunch with T. Boone Pickens: now up for auction on Ebay. [DB]

John Thain Tries to Explain, Fails

cityfile · 01/26/09 05:13PM

Why did former Merrill Lynch CEO John Thain spend $1.2 million renovating his office when he took from Stan O'Neal at the firm? It was because O'Neal's office was "very different," and it would have been "very difficult" to use it in the "form that is was in." We're not sure what that means either. A clip from Thain's awkward chat with CNBC's Maria Bartiromo earlier today appears after the jump.

Thain Does Damage Control

cityfile · 01/26/09 08:56AM

Not only is John Thain out of a job, he's $1.2 million poorer, too. The former Merrill Lynch CEO has agreed to reimburse the company for the extensive renovations to his office suite, which included the purchase of a $87,000 area rug and $35,000 toilet. In his own defense, though, he'd like to point out that the renovations didn't only involve his own office: two conference rooms and a reception area were spiffied up, too. [Dealbook]

John Thain's Ouster, Explained

cityfile · 01/22/09 12:05PM

With all due respect, Bank of America didn't suddenly force out John Thain because he spent $1 million on office decorations a year ago. That was a year ago! And lots has happened since then! Remember last month when John Thain asked for a year-end bonus, an effort he almost immediately abandoned? That didn't look too good! Then he went to Vail over the holidays right around the same time Bank of America was closing on its acquisition of Merrill Lynch, firing thousands of employees, and preparing to announce record losses. Today's damaging news? Thain approved $3 to $4 billion—that's "b" for billion—in bonus payouts three days before the Merrill sale went through. But when the real story is kinda complicated, it's easier to place blame on $44,000 area rugs! [Gawker, Gothamist]

John Thain Resigns

cityfile · 01/22/09 09:50AM

John Thain, the former CEO of Merrill Lynch who assumed control of Bank of America's trading, investment banking and brokerage operations following BoA's acquisition of Merrill, has resigned effective immediately. The reason? The Journal reports that board members considered it "poor judgment" on Thain's part when he headed off to Vail for a little vacation at the same time Bank of America was announcing massive losses, and his decision to accelerate bonus payouts at Merrill so they could be collected before the end of the year didn't earn him any points. The last straw: Thain was still insisting on jetting off to Davos this week, "even though Bank of America had signaled that such a trip was not a good idea." He has plenty of time to stroll in the Alps now!

More Cuts at UBS, Fresh Controversy for Merrill

cityfile · 01/22/09 07:02AM

• UBS will make a fourth round of job cuts and is closing several divisions. [BN]
• A class-action lawsuit has been filed against Bank of America for failing to disclose the risks associated with the acquisition of Merrill Lynch. [Reuters]
• More BoA-Merrill trouble: It seems the bank accelerated bonus payments last month so it could hand out the cash before the bank changed hands. [FT]
• The SEC has filed charges against missing hedge funder Arthur Nadal. [NYP]
• Win Bischoff's goodbye email to Citigroup employees. [Deal Journal]
• A record $152 billion was pulled from hedge funds in the fourth quarter. [DB]
• In other bad news, Microsoft is cutting 5,000, Intel is laying off 6,000, and Sony says it lost $2 billion more than expected last year. [WSJ, CNN, BN]

Geithner Heads to Capitol Hill, More Cuts at BofA

cityfile · 01/21/09 07:06AM

• Expect to see Tim Geithner grilled on Capitol Hill today over his failure to pay Social Security and Medicare taxes. Thanks to the financial crisis, you can also expect to see him confirmed very quickly. [Reuters, WSJ]
• Merrill Lynch clients withdrew $10 billion from accounts during in the fourth quarter, just as Bank of America completed its takeover of the firm. [BN]
• BofA is getting ready to cut another 4,000 jobs beginning this week. [FT]
• BlackRock, the biggest publicly traded U.S. asset manager, posted a 84 percent drop in profits in the fourth-quarter. [DB]
• The good news for Chrysler? The struggling automaker has found a savior in Fiat. The bad news? The deal is reportedly contingent on Chrysler getting $3 billion in additional government loans. [WSJ, NYT]

BoA Lands $20 Billion in Aid, Citi's Big Loss

cityfile · 01/16/09 07:38AM

• Bank of America landed $20 billion in additional aid to help it absorb Merrill Lynch. It also posted a loss of $1.79 billion for the fourth quarter. [NYT, WSJ]
• Citigroup reported an $8.29 billion quarterly loss. The beleaguered bank also said it plans to reorganize the company into two business units. [WSJ, NYT]
• UBS is selling parts of its commodities business to Barclays. [FT]
• AIG is paying a total of $619 million to retain employees. [NYP]
• Morgan Stanley and Citi are pulling clients' money from a fund run by Union Bancaire Privée, after it was exposed to Bernie Madoff. [DB]
• Citi is hiring! And you thought it was only laying people off these days. [NYP]

Disappointment at JPMorgan, BofA Asks for More

cityfile · 01/15/09 07:14AM

• JPMorgan Chase posted a 76% drop in profits in the fourth quarter, results that chief Jamie Dimon eloquently described as "very disappointing." [WSJ]
• Washington is close to finalizing a deal to give Bank of America billions in extra cash to help it "digest" the purchase of Merrill Lynch. [Reuters]
• What's Morgan Stanley doing with its bailout cash? It's buying an oil supertanker, which is what we'd do, too, if someone gave us $10 billion. [BN]
• An exec at Blackstone has been charged with insider trading. [CNN]
Carl Icahn is suing fellow activist investor Warren Lichtenstein. [DB]
• The Dow dropped 248 points yesterday with Citigroup taking a particular beating, shedding 23 percent. But that doesn't mean Vikram Pandit isn't doing his best to keep morale up. [NYP, WSJ]

Citi and Morgan Stanley Iron Out the Details

cityfile · 01/13/09 07:27AM

• Citigroup and Morgan Stanley may announce a joint venture combining their brokerage divisions as early as today or tomorrow. The firms have already agreed to set aside $2 billion and $3 billion to retain top brokers. [WSJ, NYP]
• The joint venture isn't giving Citigroup or its CEO, Vikram Pandit, much of a boost. Shares dropped 17 percent yesterday as investors grew concerned the deal was prompted by Citi's desperation more than anything else. [NYT]
• Close to 2,000 former Merrill Lynch employees in London have been laid off by new parent Bank of America. [Times UK]
• AIG is expected to sell its Canadian life insurance operations to Bank of Montreal to repay government loans. [BN]
• Federal Reserve chair Ben Bernanke says a fiscal stimulus won't be enough to spur an economic recovery. [BN]

Grim Job Numbers, Rattner to Be Car Czar?

cityfile · 01/09/09 07:06AM

• More than 2.6 million jobs were lost in 2008, the most since World War II ended in 1945. The unemployment rate now stands at 7.2 percent. [CNN]
Steve Rattner may be Barack Obama's car czar, assuming several potential conflicts of interests are sorted out. [ABC, NYP]
• Hedge funds lost 18.3 percent on average in 2008 [DB]
• Merrill Lynch exec Gregory Fleming is headed off to teach at Yale. [DB]
Dick Parsons says he has no plans to become Commerce Secretary. [DB]
• Sometimes there is justice in this world: Marc Rich was a victim of Bernie Madoff, too, and lost $10-15 million as part of the scheme. [BN]
• Bernie Madoff's home in the south of France is actually fairly modest. [BN]