Breaking scoop: San Jose Mercury News to lay off 101 workers
Nick Douglas · 10/20/06 05:14PM"We find it's always better to fire people on a Friday. Studies have statistically shown that there's less chance of an incident if you do it at the end of the week." The San Jose Mercury News must have learned from the bosses in Office Space. Mercury News's HR head says in the e-mail quoted below that the paper will lay off 101 workers by December 19.
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Nick Douglas · 08/31/06 01:28PMRemainders: LJ boob job
Nick Douglas · 05/23/06 07:05PM
- San Francisco PR firm Bite interviews the San Jose Mercury News senior web editor about the Merc's new media offerings. Sez the editor about the popularity of the Merc's American Idol blog, "Compelling content still rules the day." And by "compelling content," he means "celebrity trash." (Gawker Media heartily agrees.) [Bitemarks]