
SoHo House's Nü Elitism: Take Off Your Suit, Give Us Real Books

Foster Kamer · 08/08/09 08:00PM

SoHo House, why're you so cruel? The Manhattan country club thriving on envy of an "elite" membership will crack down on violators of their draconian policies/culture eugenics! Suits are neit wanted. Neither are real books, which they intend to imprison.

Soho House's Anti-Finance Guy Eugenics

Richard Lawson · 05/29/09 11:44AM

You there, in the suit. Why don't you change into some cashmere and twill before heading up to the Soho House? Because, um, you have to. The posh British pool club and society dump has instituted a No Suit rule, in an effort to keep finance asshats out.