
The Incredible Shrinking AOL

Ryan Tate · 11/19/09 12:03PM

Just in time for Christmas, AOL is asking 2,500 of its workers to volunteer for buyouts starting Dec. 4 (layoffs come after) as the company separates from Time Warner and a shadow of its former online conglomerate self.

More Online Talent Departs the L.A. Times

Ryan Tate · 09/04/09 05:00PM

The Los Angeles Times is losing its online managing editor to, editor Russ Stanton confirmed in a staff email, reprinted below. The departure marks the further dismantling of a team that relaunched the site starting about five years ago.

Yahoo's New Top Flack: Cuddly and Awake

Ryan Tate · 06/03/09 04:45PM

Yahoo's PR operation has been a disaster of late. Its former top flack maybe leaked an ex-employee's nasty performance evaluation; another was caught sleeping during a shareholder's meeting. So Yahoo spread word: its new guy is nice and conscious!

The*Real* Idiot's Guide to Workplace Racism

Hamilton Nolan · 05/13/09 04:45PM

We live in a racist world, but the Delaware Department of Transportation is doing something about it: issuing a hilarious memo! Who wrote this, some "retard" "homo" "typical white person?" Below, the best idiot guidelines:

One Fun Little Torture Memo Fact

Pareene · 04/22/09 12:43PM

There is so much torture news! Honestly? Just grow up and read the Times, Journal, and Post stories yourselves. But there is one small torture anecdote that sums up the whole thing nicely.

Bad Boss's Get-Back-To-Work Email Sparks Online Revenge

Owen Thomas · 04/14/09 11:49PM

When times are tough, bad bosses lash out. After John Soden III, a managing director at Thomas Weisel Partners in San Francisco, sent a hectoring email ordering employees into the office, his underlings struck back.

Departing WSJ Writer: 'All That Is "Urgent" Has Doubtless Stifled the Boundless Creativity of the Journal Staff'

Gabriel Snyder · 04/03/09 02:32PM

Wall Street Journal feature writer Joshua Prager was known to work painstakingly slow. But the pieces he produced for the front page were always memorable, such as his investigation into the anonymous Iranian photographer who won a Pulitzer Prize in 1980. He announced that he's leaving the paper because he doesn't fit in any more. In the farewell that he sent his colleagues, he lobbed a few attacks at Robert Thomson, the new editor of the paper since it was bought by Rupert Murdoch. "URGENT" is a new wire service copy system that Thomson announced a couple weeks ago.