
Batmanning is the New Owling

Seth Abramovitch · 09/08/11 02:46AM

2011 was probably the lamest summer in recent history, due in no small part to the seemingly endless barrage of "position crazes" (I really don't know what else to call them) to wind their way down the internets. First there was planking. Then there was owling. Cone-ing. Pillaring. Hawking. Carmageddoning. Horsemaning. Backlashing. Chenning. And now, Batmanning, which was allegedly thought up by the Purdue students in the above video, and not some Warner Bros. viral marketing department. Right. Either way, it's about as cool as rubber nipples on a Robin suit. Next up, Rodining (recreating The Thinker on the john), Regising (perching on a high chair and staring off in befuddlement) and Bachmanning (pleasuring oneself with a hairbrush handle). Get out there and snap those crazy pics, kids!

High Schoolers' 'You Mad Bro' Sign Called 'Racial Intimidation'

Max Read · 09/05/11 09:04AM

On the internet, "u mad, bro?" (and its earlier cousin "you mad?") is a classic meme deployed to maximize the rage-inducing effects of trolling. In real life—where people are somewhat less familiar with the trollface oeuvre—it can be taken a little differently.

Death to the Internet Craze

Adrian Chen · 08/12/11 02:14PM

The idea of the "internet craze" has outlived its usefulness. The half-life from internet meme to morning talk show segment is zero. It's time for journalists to retire this dumb pop cultural crutch. Every goddamn thing that happens on the internet is not an internet craze.

British Looters Are Now a Meme

Adrian Chen · 08/09/11 06:49PM

Sure, England's been convulsed by riots likely to have devastating social and economic impacts for months, but at least a funny meme is coming out of it.

Rebekah Brooks Covers Rebecca Black

Maureen O'Connor · 07/21/11 11:31AM

Obviously, this is not the real Rebekah Brooks singing her inner monologue to the tune of Rebecca Black's "Friday." If real Rebekah Brooks were to sing her inner monologue, it would be a string of British curse words set to the Wicked Witch of the West's theme song in the Wizard of Oz. Until the internet gets around to that, here is a much cuter version of "Rebekah Brooks" singing about "Phone hacking, phone hacking, hey! Sun, Sun, Sun, Sun." [AdWeek]

Rebecca Black Takes Us Behind the Scenes of Her New Music Video

Matt Cherette · 07/21/11 01:11AM

On Monday, Rebecca Black assaulted us with the music video for her latest single, "My Moment." Now, behold its behind-the-scenes counterpart. In this clip, Rebecca talks about wardrobe fittings (fun!), dancing (so glad to be getting back into it!), kids struggling with bullying (she knows how you feel!) and more. Is her moment over with yet?

The Best Memes to Come Out of 'The Rupert and Wendi Show'

Seth Abramovitch · 07/20/11 04:52AM

Man, was that a gas or what? Two-plus hours of doddering and selective senility, with a surprise splosh party and French manicure attack thrown in for good measure! One day, we'll have a better understanding of what the Murdochian Inquisition meant in the grand scheme of things; but for now, let's just take a moment to savor the bounty of fresh memes it's produced. These memes to us be blessed, amen.

Rebecca Black's New Single Is Here

Adrian Chen · 07/18/11 04:19PM

Here it is, Rebecca Black's new single: "This Is My Moment." That she released it on a Monday says a lot about how ready she is to move past "Friday." Good luck with that!

Here's What 5 Million Posts on 4chan Look Like

Adrian Chen · 07/12/11 01:49PM

We're not going to actually show you five million 4chan posts, since we and all of you would likely be sent to prison for a long time. But here's a word cloud generated from 5,576,095 posts. (Click on the photo above to enlarge.)

The Guy Who Brought You Rebecca Black Has a Brand New Act

Adrian Chen · 07/01/11 10:59AM

Patrice Wilson, CEO of Ark Music Factory and the man responsible for Rebecca Black, has had a busy week: He just premiered the music video of his newest artist, Lexi St. George, on Good Morning America. We spoke to him about the surprising success that's come from "Friday," the most-hated YouTube video of all time.

Friday Saved by Reappearance of Rebecca Black Video

Adrian Chen · 06/17/11 10:15AM

After we learned that Rebecca Black's "Friday" had been removed from YouTube due to a legal squabble, we vowed that today would be our last Friday ever. What's the point of living in a world without this video? But it's back, and better (?) than ever.

New Zealand Is Run By a Dangerous Planking Promoter

Jeff Neumann · 05/31/11 06:25AM

New Zealand PM John Key apparently doesn't mind the deadly, coma-inducing Australasian internet craze called planking. In fact, he supports it. In a picture posted to the Facebook group Planking New Zealand over the weekend, his son Max is seen planking in the premier's residence under the watchful eyes of his father. Just what kind of message is John Key sending to the youth of his nation?