
Have You Been Facesquatting?

Foster Kamer · 06/14/09 08:37PM

Yes, Facesquatting: proportionally, the dirtiest term possible for the most inane thing it could be applied to, which, in this case, is taking a Facebook user name that's not yours. And now it's a hysterical, brainless internet meme.

Kari Ferrell Is Memetastic

Hamilton Nolan · 04/18/09 09:00AM

Hipster Grifter Kari Ferrell's old roommate says "She just texted me two days ago to talk about the Utah Jazz." And other fun facts! Oh and she already has a celebrity impersonator:

'What What (In the Butt): The Movie' Inching Towards Reality

Seth Abramovitch · 02/17/09 05:01PM

Well, hold on to your what-whats, because according to this "What's New with Samwell?" YouTube interview, What What (In the Butt): The Movie could soon fill the urban-comedy hole left in cineplexes between Madea adventures. (Indeed, we think Tyler Perry's What What (in the Butt) makes a far more logical casting scenario than the interviewer's suggestion of Leo DiCaprio.) Of course, lifelong "Butt" fan Johnny Depp—who, as Samwell tells it, loves the song so much co-star Marion Cotillard lured the artist to the set for a command performance—could probably spin the material into further career gold, with Tim Burton's help turning the reluctant bottom into another classic fairytale outsider. Like Edward Scissorhand, except with stuff going up his butt. [YouTube]

'Yo Moms So Fat Russia Can See Her From Their House'

Ryan Tate · 10/26/08 09:11PM

Granted, most of the trends associated with the presidential campaign are morbidly depressing, from hateful posters to bigoted screaming at rallies to Sarah Palin's sad and frightening interview flubs. But in the last few weeks before the election, a flurry of campaign-inspired "yo momma" jokes have taken their rightful place alongside Tina Fey's Palin impression and Chris Rock's "Hillary Lost!" routine as among the rare bright spots. Tech executive Anil Dash got the ball rolling on his Twitter stream last week (see headline to this post!) and the jokes just kept snowballing. "Yo mama so fat, McCain refers to her as 'Those Ones,'" wrote loresjoberg. More:

The History of the Memes, Part 1

Richard Lawson · 10/15/08 09:04AM

Have you ever wandered one step too far into the internet and been left scratching your head (the one at the top of your body), wondering what the hell is going on? If you have, chances are you've stumbled upon a "meme," a bizarro inside joke of nerds and shut-ins that eventually slithers its way out to the mainstream world. You know, like that "Chocolate Rain" song or Chris Crocker or Ninja Cat. Just weird oft-emailed pieces of driftwood that (having replaced The Outdoors) fill our idle hours until we gasp, sputter, and expire. To keep you informed on the memedium, a timeline site has sprung up, giving you a brief historie of these useless fascinations. Quick for larger screen grab.

A brief history of all Internet memes ever

Nicholas Carlson · 08/08/08 03:20PM

From "Greenoch — Greatest Martial Art of All Time," first posted by a Usenet rec.martial-arts contributor in 1991 to Paris Hilton's Presidential campaign commercial released this week, the below-embedded Dipity timeline features every meme and viral sensation you finally managed to forget.Click to view

O Hai I Can Haz Memes? Click For AWESOME Video!!!11!!

Hamilton Nolan · 07/10/08 09:15AM

The Wall Street Journal would like to inform you about, a "website" that starts "memes" such as "LOLCats," which is "humorous images of cats with loud text beneath them in a fake language," and the "Rick Roll," an "online bait-and-switch" that sends you to "the music video of Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up," a hit song from 1988." The Wall Street Journal, by the way, is a "newspaper." And formerly anonymous 4chan founder Christopher Poole was on a self-revealing spree, because the same day, Time magazine ran a 4chan story as well. It's a LOL-MSM-MEME unto itself!

The Ten Best Craigslist Cash-Waver Remixes

Hamilton Nolan · 06/16/08 11:59AM

The Craigslist Cash-Waver is a certified internet star. When we posted the original photos from his Craigslist personal ad (showing him with a fan of $20 bills to impress the girls), and then his angry voicemail demanding that we take them down or else, little did we know how big he would become. His photos spawned an entire genre of visual remixes, which elevated the cash-waving theme to fantastic new heights. Some of the reaction was stupid, and some was even racist. But some was pure, hilarious magic. After the jump, a photo gallery of the ten most inspired Cash-Waving Craigslist Player Photoshop jobs-a testament to the scary power of smart, mean, bored people on the internet. We fear you all.

Teh Era. Is Ended.

Richard Lawson · 01/25/08 05:20PM

LolSecretz, that wonderful mash-up of Post Secret and lolcats, has called it quits. The pressures of facing redundancy and dealing with real life overwhelmed the two charming-looking bloggers. So, we mourn the death of a big, bright flash in this oddly shaped pan. It was great. And that is not untrue. Gudbai, frenz.

Valleywag's 25 predictions for 2008

Nick Douglas · 12/22/07 02:11AM

Valleywag is of course known for its dead-on accuracy, so our predictions for 2008 need no introduction. Inside, my 25 predictions (made without inside information) cover the futures of Facebook, Google, Digg, YouTube, Twitter, the Wall Street Journal, Apple, Yahoo, Gawker Media, AOL, Dell, LOLcats, the president, and more.