
Russian Prime Minister Tells Underpaid Teachers To Get Side Jobs, Figure “Something" Out

Marina Galperina · 08/04/16 01:00PM

At a public forum on Wednesday, a teacher asked Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev why teachers earn so little while cops earn so much, relatively—according to the Moscow Times, the starting monthly salary for educators is 10,000-15,000 rubles ($150-$225); law enforcement officers earn 50,000 rubles ($750) per month. The teacher tactfully inquired if the government was going to do about that.

Hackers Seize Russian Prime Minister's Twitter Account

Adam Weinstein · 08/14/14 03:15PM

As sneaky as Russia's spooks are, they couldn't keep hackers from commandeering the Twitter account of Dmitri Medvedev, Russia's former president and current prime minister, and tweeting a mock resignation and sundry other jokes in the longtime Putin ally's name.

Dirty Russian Politico-Media Backstabbing: Very American

Hamilton Nolan · 09/24/10 08:42AM

Here's how politics work in Russia: be as corrupt as you want, as long as you keep your mouth shut; but criticize those above you, and they'll use their media lackeys to crush you. Just like America, in other words.