
Tea Party Republican Defends Being on Medicaid While Opposing Medicaid

Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/16/13 02:19PM

A Tea Party candidate for Idaho's House of Representatives defended himself against allegations of hypocrisy following an NBC News article in which he admitted to signing his entire family up for Medicaid while running on a platform that calls for the dismantling of all government programs.

Little Jimmy O'Keefe Blows the Lid Off Medicaid Fraud

John Cook · 07/18/11 02:41PM

Hey did you know that county-level Medicaid administrators in Ohio aren't vigorously vetting the applicants who seek their services? Thank God for James O'Keefe, the only journalist in the nation with the sheer guts to tell this bone-chilling tale of county bureaucrats failing to diligently do their jobs.

Arizona's Medicaid Fix: Punish Fat, Childless Smokers

Jeff Neumann · 05/27/11 04:20AM

Back in April, Arizona governor Jan Brewer floated the idea of charging a $50 fee for fat, childless, smoking Medicaid recipients. What the hell is $50 going to do to offset rising statewide Medicaid costs, you might ask? That'll pay for a whole 20 pack of Depend® adult diapers! But that's not exactly what they're going for. Basically they want to hunt down every lonely, hoarding cat lady in the state to extort them into shape. The Times did a Q and A with the spokeswoman for Arizona's Medicaid, Monica Coury:

Worst Bridesmaid Prank Ever Leaves Bride Paraplegic and Unmarried

Maureen O'Connor · 11/17/10 05:57PM

Rachelle Friedman's bridesmaids pushed her into a pool's shallow end, breaking her neck and leaving her paralyzed from the chest down. Now she can't marry her fiance because their combined income would cause her to lose her Medicaid benefits.