
Chilean Miners Already Sick of Media Attention

Adrian Chen · 10/16/10 03:27PM

According to the AP, Chile's rescued miners are "hoping the media will give them some space." Well, if you didn't want to be media stars, why'd you get trapped in a mine and survive 69 days underground? [pic AP]

New Magazine Named After Extinct Creature

Hamilton Nolan · 10/15/10 01:38PM

In your gusty Friday media column: a new fashion magazine, undermining at the Chicago Tribune, gay anchors invade the airwaves, the NYO hires a media reporter, and Gannett's money isn't as long as it looks.

The Single Truest Political Rant Ever to Appear on Morning Television

Hamilton Nolan · 10/15/10 09:00AM

On Morning Joe today, MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan gave a phenomenally, remarkably, uncommonly honest and incisive rant about the fallacy of America's "War with Islam," calling it "an extraordinary failure of our politicians and our media." It is well worth watching.

Jon Stewart Mocks the Coverage of the Chilean Mine Rescue

Matt Cherette · 10/13/10 11:26PM

A few hours ago, the last of 33 miners was rescued from Chile's San Jose mine. On tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart said what we all were thinking regarding much of the media's hyperbolic coverage of the saga. Watch inside.

Will Condé Nast's iPad Bet Pay Off? · 10/13/10 10:05PM

Condé Nast has been carefully studying the use of its iPad apps, and hosted 70 marketing and media execs today in New York to present its findings, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Magazines Rejoice: Auto Ads Are Back

Hamilton Nolan · 10/12/10 08:41AM

Magazine ad pages were up by 3.6% in the third quarter compared to a year ago. Mostly because car companies are buying ads again! That's good news. Fashion mags: doing well! Travel: not so well. And Maxim! Very bad.

Huffington Blowing So Much Money on Bus Rides

Hamilton Nolan · 10/11/10 12:27PM

In your precipitous Monday media column: HuffPo's hefty bus price tag, the Tina Brown-to-Newsweek deal seems very close, a Jarvis-Weisberg Twitter feud, the Chicago Tribune's editor consoles his staff, and our boss is finally in a real magazine.