
Gawker's Year in Review 2010

Gawker Staff · 12/31/10 04:54PM

Well, that's it from us for 2010. If you want to read about our favorite books, music, movies, TV, rumors, feuds, scandals, and stories, this is the place to do it. We'll be back tomorrow—Happy New Year, everyone!

The Year's Best Media Scandals

Hamilton Nolan · 12/29/10 12:18PM

When the media becomes the news, everyone is entertained. Media scandals are the best scandals of all, for their enjoyable mix of forced professionalism and palpable discomfort. Come; let us look back at the year's ten best.

L.A. Times Restaurant Critic Outed by Enraged Restaurateur

Brian Moylan · 12/22/10 02:39PM

When the owner of a Beverly Hills eatery spotted the L.A. Times restaurant critic in his lobby, he refused her service and took her picture, making her identity publicly available for the first time. Kiss anonymity goodbye, S. Irene Virbila.

Julian Assange Throws Another Newspaper Under the Bus

John Cook · 12/21/10 12:37PM

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange cycles through friendships like a 13-year-old girl. The object of today's outburst: His former bestie, Guardian reporter Nick Davies, for totally spreading mean rumors about him!

Afghan War Is Totes Boring

Hamilton Nolan · 12/20/10 01:42PM

In your vacationmongering Monday media column: Americans just can't get interested in Afghanistan, a systematic approach to the NYT's "Most Emailed" list, Groupon is the future of shitty "journalism" jobs, and a look at the newspaper industry's year.