
Is a Revolt Brewing at AMI?

Hamilton Nolan · 01/13/11 12:56PM

American Media Inc., publisher of the National Enquirer and Star, is freshly emerged from bankruptcy, and already cutting costs with layoffs and mandatory unpaid furloughs. Now, we hear AMI's beleaguered employees are on the verge of total revolt.

Juan Williams Is Now a Clown

Hamilton Nolan · 01/07/11 10:09AM

Yesterday Ellen Weiss, the NPR executive who called Juan Williams to fire him after the once-respected newsman spoke about his fear of airplane passengers in "Muslim garb," resigned. NPR's CEO's also being punished. Who comes out looking worst? Juan Williams.

From HuffPo to Glenn Beck With One Mighty Excuse

Hamilton Nolan · 01/06/11 09:25AM

Betsy Morgan, the former CEO of The Huffington Post, has taken a job running Glenn Beck's website. Hmm. Isn't there something troubling about leaping from one ideological organization to an opposite one so quickly? Morgan has a compelling explanation.