
Al Sharpton Will Be Your Next MSNBC Host

Max Read · 07/20/11 10:51PM

Al Sharpton will almost certainly be the host for MSNBC's recently opened-up 6 p.m. time slot, reports The New York Times, which describes the hiring as "imminent." He's actually been "guest-hosting" in that slot for the last three weeks, if you are among the apparent millions who tune in; previously, the spot was occupied by Cenk Uygur, who left claiming he'd been told by MSNBC president Phil Griffin that "people in Washington... did not like [his] tone." (Griffin says he told Uygur to adjust his body language.) Our choice for the 6 p.m. slot would have been a constant replay of Mark Halperin saying the word "dick," but we're not in charge. [NYT, photo via AP]

Everyone Just Can't Wait For Piers Morgan to Get Arrested

John Cook · 07/20/11 01:55PM

Puffy British game-show presenter Piers Morgan, who also hosts a show on CNN about Twitter, is in the spotlight these days because he formerly edited Rupert Murdoch's News of the World and a competitor called the Daily Mirror, and as such is prima facie guilty of hacking into everyone's voicemails all the time.

HuffPo Rehires Its Most Scapegoated Employee

Hamilton Nolan · 07/20/11 01:41PM

In your sultry Wednesday media column: HuffPo's scapegoat gets her job back, WSJ reporters mildly defend themselves, Tablet magazine redesigns, a military reporter reflects on death, and Jim Romenesko is the new Yelp.

PR Gadfly Accused of World's Most Boring Phone Hack

Hamilton Nolan · 07/20/11 09:09AM

Jack O'Dwyer is an old reporter who has been covering the PR industry in his own personal publication for about a million years now. He's generally seen as a cranky but tolerable fixture of the PR journalism scene.

The Best Memes to Come Out of 'The Rupert and Wendi Show'

Seth Abramovitch · 07/20/11 04:52AM

Man, was that a gas or what? Two-plus hours of doddering and selective senility, with a surprise splosh party and French manicure attack thrown in for good measure! One day, we'll have a better understanding of what the Murdochian Inquisition meant in the grand scheme of things; but for now, let's just take a moment to savor the bounty of fresh memes it's produced. These memes to us be blessed, amen.

Rupert Murdoch Has Left the Building

John Cook · 07/19/11 04:01PM

What the fuck does Rupert Murdoch do all day? To judge by his baffling performance before a British parliamentary committee investigating him for phone hacking, little more than gossip on the phone with whatever old-timer is willing to indulge him while his son James and wife Wendi battle for control of News Corporation.

Could the LA Times Be Sold?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/19/11 02:19PM

In your Murdoch-free Tuesday media roundup: speculation on the LAT's future, Time magazine gets more paywall-y, everyone wants to work for CJR, Jay Rosen pontificates, and a labor journalism spat.

Rupert Murdoch Attacked at Hearing

John Cook · 07/19/11 11:05AM

Someone just accosted Rupert Murdoch during his testimony before Parliament, apparently in an attempt to throw a pie in his face. He doesn't appear to have been injured. His wife Wendi played bodyguard, catapulting herself toward the attacker with arms and nails flailing. His son James just stood there.

Rupert Murdoch: It's Not My Fault

John Cook · 07/19/11 10:19AM

Rupert Murdoch and his son James have been testifying this morning before a British Parliamentary committee investigating the wide-ranging criminality of basically everything they've done for the past 20 years.

Bloggers and Other Nerds Are Renting All the Fancy Apartments Now

Hamilton Nolan · 07/19/11 09:39AM

In the olden days before the U.S. economy devolved into a pure gold-and-canned-goods bartering system, Wall Street guys were the ones who rented all the gaudy, overpriced good apartments. Now that Wall Street's been decimated, who will the real estate industry turn to, to unload all those new condos with "Wii rooms?" Oh, they will sell these pricey spaces to "bloggers," it says here. Hahaha.

Not Even Boobs Can Get Ukraine a Free Press

Hamilton Nolan · 07/19/11 08:29AM

Ukrainian feminist activist group FEMEN turned up at the Georgian consulate in Kiev yesterday, topless, bearing fake cameras and wearing panties emblazoned with the word "PRESS." This was all in the name of protesting the arrest of two photojournalists on spying charges, you see, which is why all those photographers turned out, I imagine. Alas, an embassy thug comes out and starts smacking everyone around—topless faux-photographer and shirted real photographer alike!

Tuesday Could Be Rupert Murdoch's Last Day as CEO

Max Read · 07/18/11 07:11PM

How bad are things looking for News Corp CEO Rupert Murdoch in the wake of the News of the World phone hacking scandal? This bad: If he screws up enough during Tuesday's parliamentary hearing, he may be replaced as CEO by jauntily-mustachioed COO Chase Carey.

Rupert Murdoch Found Dead, According to Hacked Murdoch Paper

Adrian Chen · 07/18/11 05:19PM

The hacking group LulzSec appears to be back, with a very timely hack of Rupert Murdoch's British tabloid The Sun—the sister publication of the dead News of the World. And they warn, ominously, that they've got emails, too.

Little Jimmy O'Keefe Blows the Lid Off Medicaid Fraud

John Cook · 07/18/11 02:41PM

Hey did you know that county-level Medicaid administrators in Ohio aren't vigorously vetting the applicants who seek their services? Thank God for James O'Keefe, the only journalist in the nation with the sheer guts to tell this bone-chilling tale of county bureaucrats failing to diligently do their jobs.

Parasitic Aggregator 'Reader's Digest' Wants a Billion Dollars

Hamilton Nolan · 07/18/11 01:11PM

In your sunny Monday media column: Reader's Digest is for sale (and maybe Wenner Media too?), a theory of typos, a horrific penalty for insulting Fox News, and your Immediately Discarded Rupert Murdoch Theory of the Day.

Rupert Murdoch Offers Up Standard PR Firm-Written Apology

Hamilton Nolan · 07/15/11 02:56PM

In your finally Friday media column: Rupert Murdoch apologizes, Andrew Ross Sorkin gets a TV gig, the AP stylebook is wrong, Google encourages you to read, and Bob Schieffer is still among the living.