
Don't Act Like You Just Found Out Pat Buchanan Is Racist, You Hypocrites

Hamilton Nolan · 01/11/12 10:00AM

Former Nixonite and coonskin cap-wearing sometime presidential candidate Pat Buchanan has always been a racist relic who appealed mostly to those caveman-like Americans anxious for a return to the Andrew Jackson era. Always. There has never been a time, during his long career as a smiley pundit, in which he was not a racist. So. Although it's kind of nice that he's been suspended by MSNBC, it's the media equivalent of giving all the homeless people in your city a one-way bus ticket just as long as the Olympics are in town.

Keith Olbermann's Response to Our Response to His Response

Hamilton Nolan · 01/09/12 05:01PM

Keith Olbermann is a busy man. But not that busy, because he has responded not once, but twice, to our post today in which a former employee excoriates him for being an awful, terrible boss. (We applaud such multiple responses, to be clear.) Let's get you all caught up.

Dumb Magazine to Let Dumb Readers Write the Whole Thing

Hamilton Nolan · 01/09/12 11:40AM

As the recession and the popularity of the internet ground away at the traditional magazine world like the opposing teeth of a hungry beaver, everyone has had to make adjustments. Some had layoffs. Other cut back on pages. Still others turned to outrageous promotional gimmicks. But Ladies Home Journal may have hit on the most transformative idea of all: just have readers write a bunch of crap and then put that crap in the magazine instead of whatever other crap your own writer were writing, in the past.

Tumblr Is Launching Its Own Journalism Operation

Ryan Tate · 01/05/12 02:43PM

If history is any guide, tech companies should absolutely not try and become media companies. But the 25-year-old CEO of precious New York blog platform Tumblr has the fearlessness of youth. Which is why he's recruiting his own writer and editor types.

Is Tyler Brule Cool?

Hamilton Nolan · 01/05/12 11:39AM

Tyler Brule is the publisher of high-fashion design magazine Wallpaper and of Monocle, that beacon of "lifestyle sensuality and gaywad uptightness" that could be viewed as either the world's most pretentious or (incorrectly) most inspiring magazine. It sure is something. Though not a lifestyle magazine.

Keith Olbermann: Not Worth It

Hamilton Nolan · 01/05/12 09:43AM

Keith Olbermann is a talented television man. He's agile with words. He's whip-smart, an often penetrating thinker, and seems able to strike the perfect on-air balance between smoldering outrage and smirking "What are we doing here, folks?" acknowledgment of some of television's absurdities. Still. If you are a TV executive who hires this man, you are a fucking idiot.

Former News of the World Editor Ditches Murdochs for Daily News

Max Read · 01/04/12 03:28PM

Colin Myler, who took over at News of the World after alleged phone-hacking mastermind Andy Coulson and presided over its abrupt end (that's him above, giving a final speech to his editors), has been appointed the new editor-in-chief of the New York Daily News—bitter rival of the New York Post, which, like News of the World, is a News Corp holding.

The Best Things We Read All Year

Gawker Staff · 12/30/11 04:00PM

If you're like us, you spent a lot of time this year reading words. But which words were the best words? (Not "amazeballs," for sure.) Here, each Gawker staffer recommends the best things he or she read this year—books, articles, blogs, comics and more.

Ten People Who Should Quit the Media in 2012

Hamilton Nolan · 12/30/11 10:00AM

This is not just a list of media people we don't like. Nor is it just a list of media people who had a bad year. This is a list of media people who—abundant evidence shows—should not be in the media, any more. Give it up. Try something else. (We'll even make a suggestion.) You've given it a shot. It's not working any more. The media is not for you.