
Nick Kristof's Itty-Bitty Prostitution Hypocrisy Issue

Hamilton Nolan · 04/19/12 03:45PM

Consummate do-gooder NYT columnist Nick Kristof is waging a campaign against, the online hooker-ad compendium, and its corporate parents, Village Voice Media and (until Kristof gave them bad PR) Goldman Sachs. Is there a note of hypocrisy to be found in all this? Perhaps, a little!

Nepotistic Celebukid Not the Next Edward R. Murrow After All

Hamilton Nolan · 04/17/12 12:44PM

Last year, NBC News hired Chelsea Clinton to "report" on things for them, because here in America, major news networks are purely in the entertainment business and the privileges of dynastic nepotism will get you everywhere. That is why she was hired. Because of who her parents are. It has nothing to do with her abilities, or the concept of "journalism." I'm sure she's nice and smart and all. But that is not why she was hired by NBC News. Okay? Now. How is that going?

Is It Bad to Nominate Yourself for an Award?

Hamilton Nolan · 04/17/12 10:41AM

Yesterday, New York Times foreign correspondent Jeffrey Gettleman (pictured) won a Pulitzer for his reporting on strife and famine in Africa. Though the Times traditionally decides who of its reporters deserve nominations, Gettleman didn't wait for the bosses—he nominated himself. Does that make him an asshole?

Your Rape Fantasy Is Boring, Katie Roiphe

Hamilton Nolan · 04/16/12 09:50AM

Katie Roiphe, a well-to-do white woman who will not shut up, has a case of mortal ennui which is relieved only by publishing cretinous trolling articles which draw sweeping pseudopsychological conclusions about womankind from a small handful of vacuous anecdotes mixed with pop culture strained through the special Katie Roiphe Psychic Sexxx Fantasyland Filter. The news today is, she is still doing that.

The NRA Is Sick of Your Shit, Media

Louis Peitzman · 04/15/12 12:42PM

If you were looking for NRA president Wayne LaPierre's response to the Trayvon Martin case, you're not going to find it. At the annual NRA meeting, LaPierre said he would not comment "without a full understanding of the facts." He did, however, accuse the media of not caring about other violent crimes — presumably those not involving guns? And then he told us how he really felt.

Newspaper Fires Reporter for Showing Mild Sense of Enthusiasm

Hamilton Nolan · 04/12/12 09:12AM

Khristopher J. Brooks is a young reporter who was excited to be hired by the Delaware News-Journal last week. In a playful little gesture, he wrote up a fake "press release" on his own personal Tumblr announcing, "On Wednesday April 4, 2012, the News Journal Media Group acquired veteran education reporter Khristopher J. Brooks." He included some quotes about his career and background on the paper itself. For this, he was immediately fired, because NEWSPAPER WORK MUST NEVER BE FUN.

When Will Bridal Magazines Invite Same-Sex Couples to the Party?

Maya E. Shwayder · 04/11/12 07:00PM

Katie LoCricchio and her partner are engaged. The two live in Queens and, now that same-sex marriage has finally been legalized in New York, they can begin the process of planning their wedding. LoCricchio, like so many frenzied brides-to-be, went straight for the magazines.

New York Times Reporter Blasts Boss In Email to 150 of His Best Friends

John Cook · 04/10/12 10:58AM

A few weeks ago, New York Times science and health reporter Don McNeil sent out a scathing email to colleagues attacking Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. for piloting a "ghost ship" and running off to the Himalayas with a management guru while the paper founders.

Here Is Bruce Lee Beating Up Racist Writer John Derbyshire, Who Has Cancer

Maureen O'Connor · 04/09/12 10:15AM

This weekend racist pundit John Derbyshire lost his column at the National Review for being more direct with his racism than that magazine allows. We reached out to Derbyshire and Taki's Magazine executive editor Mandolyna Theodoracopulos, who is ostensibly responsible for publishing Derb's racist article, for comment. Mandolyna, the daughter of Taki's Magazine namesake and "soi disant anti-semite" Taki Theodoracopulos, responded thusly:

Kids These Days Refuse to Sit Still and Watch Ads

Hamilton Nolan · 04/09/12 08:37AM

For millennia, media that comes on screens has operated on a very simple premise: they show you entertaining things like Three's Company for free, and in return, you sit there and watch the ads. Very simple. And guess who is now fucking up this wondrous model of passive infotainment? That's right: kids these days.

60 Minutes Correspondent Mike Wallace Dies

Louis Peitzman · 04/08/12 10:23AM

Mike Wallace, one of the original correspondents of 60 Minutes, has died at 93. Wallace worked for the program for four decades and entered semi-retirement in 2006. Since then, Wallace appeared intermittently on the show to interview such contentious figures as Jack Kevorkian and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. His most recent 60 Minutes interview was with Roger Clemens in 2008.