
30 More Buyouts Coming to the New York Times

Hamilton Nolan · 12/03/12 09:26AM

The New York Times, like the rest of the newspaper industry, went through a painful series of buyouts after the 2008 financial collapse exacerbated the already ongoing collapse of the newspaper industry. In 2009, they cut 100 positions. In 2011, they had 20 more buyouts. This morning, they announced they want 30 more.

Tyler Brule Does Not Drive; He's Driven

Hamilton Nolan · 11/28/12 04:18PM

Tyler Brule [imagine several accent marks on last name], the editor of Monocle magazine, that bedrock of ""lifestyle sensuality and gaywad uptightness," is well known for being "cool," in the sense of "not cool." I mean really he is very accomplished and all but in some ways the worst. The point is: he does not tweet.

Hamilton Nolan · 11/27/12 02:56PM

Warren Buffett thinks that print newspapers will be around in 20 years. Warren Buffett won't, though. Runs Hot Naked Boob Pic

Hamilton Nolan · 11/27/12 01:59PM

Long story short, ran a photo from Playboy in which a woman wantonly displays a hot naked boob as the illustration for a column today. This fact was noted by many readers and by Jim Romenesko, and the photo was removed. Will we allow faceless "news" organizations to try to erase the historical record like that? No, so the original boob illustration is below.

The Perils of Fake Press Releases, and How to Avoid Them

Hamilton Nolan · 11/26/12 05:30PM

This morning, a press release hit the wires of PRWeb, a paid press release distribution site, saying that Google would be acquiring the tiny company ICOA Wireless for $400 million. ICOA's stock, which trades at fractions of a penny, briefly quadrupled in price after the press release hit. Media outlets (including our own Gizmodo) reported the story as fact, and investors immediately piled in. But very shortly after the release hit the news, it was denied by both parties, and outed as a fake. How did this happen?

Laurel Touby's $30,000 Sofa Is No Big Deal to Rich, Rich Laurel Touby

Hamilton Nolan · 11/15/12 10:05AM

Longtime Gawker readers may recall a bygone era in which Laurel Touby, founder of media job board-etc. site Mediabistro, was a regular Gawker "character," famous for her feather boas and inability to use email properly. After she sold Mediabistro for $23 million in 2007, she became more famous for being a Can You Believe The Lady Who Started Mediabistro Is Now Super Rich, What The Fuck Is This World Coming To? Well. Years have passed. Now you must hear all about Laurel Touby's multimillion-dollar apartment.

Hamilton Nolan · 11/13/12 12:08PM

Marcus Brauchli is done as editor of the Washington Post. His successor is Marty Baron, the editor of the Boston Globe.

Think Before You Tweet: That Hurricane Picture Is Very Possibly Fake as Hell

Cord Jefferson · 10/29/12 01:40PM

The ascent of Twitter has been wonderful for the democratization and quickening of news and information. A few decades ago, it might take days for a person in California to see pictures of a disaster that took place in New York. Today, all a person needs is a smartphone and an internet connection and, with Twitter, they can be their own photojournalist, updating the site's millions of global users with up-to-the-minute images of events like Hurricane Sandy.

The Hagfish Strikes Again

John Cook · 10/18/12 01:00PM

Well, that's it for Newsweek. Celebu-editor and royal gravedigger Tina Brown announced this morning on the web site of the Daily Beast that the magazine's print edition will not survive the year. That's not all Brown's fault, of course. Newsweek is not the first magazine to abandon print, and it will by no means be the last. Tina Brown didn't kill Newsweek. She just killed its credibility.

Robot-Human Charisma Wars: The Second Gawker 2012 Presidential Debate Liveblog

Hamilton Nolan · 10/16/12 07:50PM

For what seems like the second time in the last thirteen days, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney will stride on stage tonight and pretend, for a few moments, to not be sickened by one another's presence. Can Obama "recover" from his "poor performance" in the last debate? Can Romney convince "swing voters" that he is "more than a Mormon robot?" The estimable Mobutu Sese Seko and I will be live blogging this debate in order to, uh, help answer these questions, and to perform other vital unspecified pundit services.