
The Public Option Is Actually, Really Dead This Time

Ravi Somaiya · 12/15/09 08:22AM

The story that a blend of incompetence, corruption, stupidity and blind ideology have killed meaningful healthcare reform dominates. And Tiger Woods' woes increase: his doctor is investigated over doping allegations.

cityfile · 12/14/09 03:23PM

• The New York Times and Wall Street Journal are feuding once again. [DF]
• Thanks to a $200 million investment in new printers, Mort Zuckerman's Daily News can now print any page of the paper in color! Exciting! [Crain's]
• Does the fact Glenn Beck is a highly paid pitchman for a gold company explain why he promotes it on Fox News show every night? Probably! [NYT]
• MSNBC is changing up its daytime lineup a bit, just so you're aware. [NYT]
• Despite the recession (and $12 tickets), film attendance was up in '09. [LAT]
• The New York Film Critics Circle announced its yearly picks today. [AP]
• Congress is devoting (wasting?) $30 mil. to battle music/movie piracy. [THR]
• Disney's The Princess and the Frog dominated the weekend box office [THR]
• CNBC has poached the WSJ's Nikhil Deogun as its new managing editor. [NYT]
• Sarah Palin's book tour is over. "Now what?" Good question! [LAT]

Tiger Woods Unites the Press Once More

Ravi Somaiya · 12/14/09 08:22AM

The story that Accenture has abandoned its lead pitch-man dominates the tabloids, and also appears in the New Yorker. Perhaps Tiger will now empathize with all the other recession stories in the papers today.

cityfile · 12/11/09 03:22PM

• The New York Times is gearing up to cut another two dozen positions at the newspaper, but that's fewer than NYT execs were anticipating. [NYP]
• Cancellations: MTV has pulled the plug on Alexa Chung's daytime show; and HBO's Flight of the Conchords is finished after two seasons. [THR, Variety]
Diane Sawyer and Chris Cuomo bid goodbye to GMA this morning. [ABC]
• NBC Universal chief Jeff Zucker, who will remain in charge of NBC after Comcast takes control, has been signed up to a new three-year contract. [THR]
• Ex-Daily News editor Debby Krenek is Newsday's new editor-in-chief. [E&P]
• Stodgy Harvard Business Review is getting a sexy makeover! [NYT]
• Grim stat du jour: 367 magazines were shuttered in 2009. [Crain's]
• More on Dave Zinczenko, the laziest magazine editor alive. [Gawker, DF]

Another Post Reporter Sues

cityfile · 12/11/09 12:32PM

A third New York Post reporter is now alleging the newspaper discriminated against her because she's black. [Gawker]

Annie Leibovitz Goes Into Fundraising Mode

cityfile · 12/11/09 11:28AM

Photographer Annie Leibovitz came close to losing everything this past fall when she was sued for failing to pay back the $24 million loan that had been extended to her by Art Capital, which had taken her real estate holdings and the rights to her photos as collateral. Leibovitz managed to avert crisis when she reached a settlement with the firm at the last minute. But she's not out of the woods yet. The Times reports today that as part of the deal, she now owes Art Capital $30 million, and she'll have to pay it back in full by next summer. Leibovitz has been looking to raise cash to pay off the debt in recent months. She's selling limited-edition prints and has been in discussions to write another book. She's also looked into offering bonds backed by her future earnings, something that David Bowie did a few years back. But it's unlikely those efforts will raise the millions she needs and chances are she'll need to take resort to more drastic measures over the coming months. What could that entail? A glimpse of Annie's future after the jump!

Obama and Goldman Sachs Spread Peace and Light

Ravi Somaiya · 12/11/09 08:24AM

Goldman Sachs' decision to curb bonuses, and President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, are just two of the optimistic stories in today's optimistic papers.

cityfile · 12/10/09 04:44PM

• Nielsen has concluded a deal to sell handful of trade titles like The Hollywood Reporter and Billboard to a consortium of investors that includes Jimmy Finkelstein and Guggenheim Partners. Rupert Murdoch's son Lachlan was once part of the investor group, but ended up dropping out. [AdWeek, NYP, LAT]
• Nielsen also said today that it's shuttering two titles: Editor & Publisher, which dates back to 1884, and book pub Kirkus Reviews. [E&P, NYT]
• AOL and Time Warner are officially separate companies now. [WSJ, AP]
George Stephanopoulos starts his new job of GMA anchor on Monday. [LAT]
• The controversy over MTV's latest series, Jersey Shore, rages on. [THR]
• Hollywood PR powerhouse PMK/HBH has pretty much imploded. [Wrap]
• The 30 worst women's magazine covers of the aughts. [Buzzfeed]
• The city's laziest magazine editor: Dave Zinczenko of Men's Health. [Gawker]

Emergency at Vanity Fair!

Hamilton Nolan · 12/10/09 04:10PM

A tipster emailed the Vanity Fair customer service department this week because his magazine stopped being delivered. He received an alarming response!

Editorial Shakeup at Ad Age

Hamilton Nolan · 12/10/09 01:48PM

In your frigid Thursday media column: Editorial turnover at Ad Age, Mediaite invites people more famous and attractive than you to their soiree, journalists prepare to forage, and Sarah Palin's only a few steps from the 99-cent store.