
Peggy Noonan Is a Normal American

Hamilton Nolan · 07/11/14 09:05AM

Peggy Noonan. An American. A normal American, breathing, watching, reading. Wandering, around her country. A watchful sentinel, proud and drunk. Must she feel shame, for being afraid of the young foreigners, infiltrating? Nay.

J.K. Trotter · 07/07/14 10:35AM

Reliable Sources anchor Brian Stelter: “I will eat my remote control—in fact, I will eat my copy of the New York Post—if Murdoch becomes the owner of CNN.”

Village Voice Staffers Sick of Low Wages and Bad Coffee

J.K. Trotter · 06/30/14 12:05PM

Staffers at New York City weekly The Village Voice are currently staging a walk-out at their Lower Manhattan offices over wage and benefits cuts, alleged anti-union intimidation, and something every human can relate to: shitty coffee.

Chelsea Clinton: Money Ain't a Thing

Hamilton Nolan · 06/23/14 12:26PM

Chelsea Clinton, a woman who was paid $600,000 per year by a television network just to be named "Chelsea Clinton," has been doing some soul-searching. "I was curious if I could care about [money] on some fundamental level, and I couldn't," she says. "That wasn't the metric of success I wanted in my life."

Newspaper Company Proudly Launches Shitty Right Wing Tumblr

Hamilton Nolan · 06/18/14 07:40AM

Morris Communications is the publisher of about a dozen newspapers across America, many of which feature jaw-droppingly fascist editorial pages (hi, Florida Times-Union). Now, the publisher has something even bigger in store for the changing media landscape.

New Republic Accuses Pulitzer Winner Chris Hedges of Plagiarism

J.K. Trotter · 06/12/14 04:10PM

In long investigation published today on The New Republic’s website, left-wing journalist Christopher Ketcham formally accused another lefty writer, former Times editor and Nation Institute fellow Christopher Hedges, of lifting passages from other writers (including Ernest Hemingway) for columns at, several of his own books, and an essay for Harper’s that was never published.

Working at Vice Media Is Not As Cool As It Seems

Hamilton Nolan · 05/30/14 09:33AM

Vice Media is one of the hottest media properties in America. It's the counterculture empire that even Rupert Murdoch could love. Vice's founder, Shane Smith, has speculated his company could raise tens of billions of dollars. So why are its employees so broke and pissed off?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/22/14 09:10AM

Time Inc. has begun selling ads on the cover of its magazines, "two weeks before Time Inc. begins trading on the New York Stock Exchange as a public company." The technical term for this is "desperation."