
Choire · 09/07/07 10:40AM

Saturday, September 8, Central Park's Heckscher Playground, New York Media Softball League playoffs, noon. BusinessWeek vs. DC Comics and (ha!) High Times vs. Wall St. Journal, followed by champ match. Be there or have a life.

Doree Shafrir · 08/16/07 02:50PM

Circ may be down 17 percent (uh, controlled! right!), and they still have Joel Stein writing for them, but at least there's one thing going right at Time: The softball team beat the New York Times last night, 20 to 11, to win the championship in their cute little media softball league. The trophy will be on display on the 22nd and 24th floors today, so if you're in the building, head over and pay tribute, okay?

Gawker vs. Observer

abalk · 06/21/07 06:09PM

On Thursday, June 21, 2007, the strapping young lads and lasses of Gawker Media took the field at Central Park's Great Lawn and engaged in fearsome competition with the salmon-hued staffers of the New York Observer. Some of the finest softball in the history of the game was played there on Field 6.

Choire · 06/07/07 04:42PM

Current score of the ongoing Radar vs. New York Observer softball game: 7-2, Observer kicking butt. Also the Observer's media reporter Michael Calderone just took a ball to the eye. (Just one? Ha! Kidding! Sorry!) UPDATE: Radar sources report a "bench-clearing brawl" gave Calderone the black eye. Whatevs! We report, you decide.