
Media Bubble: Did You Ever Know You're Not Our Hero?

Jesse · 07/19/05 02:05PM

• Howard Stern announces Adam Carolla and David Lee Roth will take over his timeslot once he moves to satellite radio. Unless, of course, he was just kidding. [LAT]
• In All the President's Men, reporters were movie heroes. Now they're always slime. Not unlike what real people think of reporters. [NYT
• Breaking: Supreme Court nominee will be fair game for bloggers. Thanks for the permission, USA Today. [USAT
• "When a Man Dies in a Sex Act With a Horse — What's a Reporter to Do?" Man, if we had a nickel for every time someone asked us that question.... [E&P]

Media Bubble: 'I Participated in Three New York Times-Sponsored Take Back The Night Self-Defense Seminars. I Can Hurt You.'

Jesse · 07/18/05 02:24PM

• Mediabistro scores a Mo Rocca humor piece. No, it's not so funny, but you try doing 1,000 words on Judy Miller and Lil' Kim. [MB]
• Now on eBay, an original first issue of The New Yorker. Only $200. [emdashes]
• Inspired by Rob Haskell's Katie Holmes profile, Simon Dumenco pines for some Scott McClellan/Karl Rove slash fiction. [Ad Age]
• "What I Told the Grand Jury." By Matt Cooper. [Time]
• American Media, Schwarzenegger make deal, then terminate it. [NYT]