
Has Jennifer Aniston Been Spending Some Time With Dr. 90210?

Molly Friedman · 04/23/08 06:45PM

One of the all-time most popular extracurricular activities for aging actors and actresses in Hollywood is to head out to the doctor's office on a sunny day and have a little work done. And who are we to judge? But in recent years, Tara Reid-esque fake boobs and Janet Jackson-esque tummy tucks have fell out of fashion. It's now trendier to go in for more subtle nips and tucks and, according to sources, Jennifer Aniston may be a high-profile example. A recent OK! piece praised the newly youthful looking star, though much of their gushing is laced with surgical "experts" who seem certain Jen's new face has gone under the knife a few more times since her whole "deviated septum" issue: