
Still More Great Moments In Oscar Humility: Matt Dillon Isn't Really Into The Humility Thing

mark · 02/28/06 12:01PM

"Rock-jawed, former teen hearthrob" Matt Dillon isn't going to squander his moment of Oscar-nominated glory by putting his head down, shyly considering the shine on his shoes, and mumbling some pullquote-ready nonsense soaked in false humility. No, now that his fine performance in the criminally overpraised Crash has been recognized by his peers, he's finally been afforded the opportunity to wax pretentious poetic about the glory of heavy-handed filmmaking:

Matt Dillon Looks Like Award He Probably Won't Win

Seth Abramovitch · 02/14/06 04:48PM

Blogger Israellycool spotted the rare single-photo side by side with this picture of Matt Dillon at yesterday's Academy Awards nominees' luncheon, standing by one of the oversized Oscar statues that Joaquin Phoenix almost tackled on his mad dash up to the podium. The resemblance between the actor and the statue is hard to deny they share almost identical pronounced brows, chiseled cheekbones and squared-off jaw line. But while Dillon's impersonation was impressive, if slightly workmanlike, it was quickly forgotten when Philip Seymour Hoffman took his place on the other side of Oscar, unselfconsciously removed his clothes, and immediately hardened into solid gold.