Are 637 Identical Obama Books Enough?
Hamilton Nolan · 05/20/09 01:22PMThe Amnesiac Newt Comeback Tour Begins
Pareene · 03/02/09 01:58PMObama: Bad for Black People
Pareene · 08/06/08 11:23AM
Are you one of the 48% of Americans who is "hearing too much about Barack Obama"? Then you certainly won't like this Sunday's Times Magazine story by professional Democratic Party Underminer Matt Bai. It's about how Barack Obama represents the End of Black Politics, because he's a black person who white people don't feel threatened by. In the story, Bai harangues Philadelphia mayor Michael Nutter about why he didn't endorse the black guy and then feels guilty about it, interviews Newark mayor Cory Booker about childhood experiences with racism and then feels guilty about that, and finally says that President Obama will actually be a secret step BACK for black people because he won't be able to get away with helping black people as much as a white candidate might. Get it? [NYT]