
Happy Hallo-Sheen

Lauri Apple · 10/07/11 05:23AM

Recently we stopped by a Halloween superstore in search of some new work clothes (dressing up in costumes helps stave off writer's block), and noticed amidst the racks of Slutty Thises and Slutty Thats a pile of rubber Charlie Sheen masks for sale. It didn't surprise us that someone would want to dress up as this year's ultimate Hollywood meltdown and fright show, given the "Boo!! Scary!!" angle of the holiday—but little did we know that "Charlie Sheen" would actually win this year's costume popularity contest.

Swine Flu: Back in Fashion This Fall!

cityfile · 08/26/09 01:41PM

Admit it: You wrote off swine flu months ago, chalking it up to a passing fad that served as the perfect story for cable news outlets to obsess about day after day. And who could blame you? It started with such promise this spring, but then summer came and the epidemic—which clearly lost a little of its brand luster when it changed its name to a confusing mix of letters and numbers—couldn't get media attention if its life (or the lives of others, rather!) depended on it. All that is about to change, though. Just like Fashion Week, swine flu will be making its triumphant return to NYC this fall. And it's going to be bigger than ever.

Masked, Swine Flu-Fearing Hotties, Part 1

cityfile · 04/30/09 07:55AM

As fear of the swine flu spreads around the world a whole lot faster than swine flu itself, photographers everywhere were suddenly handed an unexpected, new task: bringing us pictures of masked travelers. And who knew, it turns out there's something weirdly alluring—in a mysterious, behind-the-veil kind of way—about the humble white germ mask. Okay, maybe it's just us, but we've assembled a photo collection of masked, swine flu-fearing hotties anyway. The all-female edition is below. The male edition coming up shortly!

Next In Fashion, The Masked Look

Hamilton Nolan · 08/11/08 08:23AM

What do Rachel Ray, stylish residents of the "inner city," and the United States Olympic cycling team have in common? That's right, they're all at the forefront of a tenuously conceived fashion trend, unbeknownst to them! Many people-such as outraged Chinese authorities-believed that the US cyclists showing up to Beijing wearing anti-smog masks was a grievous insult predicated on the notion that China, despite its charms, is a toxic hellhole. But really the image-conscious Americans were just trying to get in Vogue.