Dudes Buying Fancy Beds
Hamilton Nolan · 09/23/09 11:36AMChick Runs Dude Network
Hamilton Nolan · 06/08/09 11:50AMMen And Their Middle-Aged Memoirs
Michael Weiss · 07/02/08 03:17PMWomen have long complained that the aging process is unfair to them whereas even the homeliest boy can expect to have the adjective "distinguished" applied to his appearance later in life. The feminine compensation for this trick of cruel nature is that men may get better looking as they get older, but they also get maudlin, verbose, and cranky. Claire Armistead considers the literary genre of the mid-life crisis in the Guardian and concludes "it does seem to be an exclusively male genre. Perhaps this is because 42-year-old women tend to be too busy grappling with ageing parents or troubled teenagers to indulge in thoughts of their own mortality. Or perhaps there's an emerging female equivalent - the memoir mourning the loss of fertility, like Hilary Mantel's haunting Giving Up the Ghost."