
A Field Guide to 2008's Six Douchiest Cliques

Noelle · 04/09/08 01:30PM wants to tell you who the cool kids are. They've compiled a field guide to "2008's Coolest Cliques" using the following six dubious categories: The New (New) Bohemian, The European Union, The Swans 2.0, The Catwalk Queens and The New Kids on the Blog. Julia Allison is mentioned three times! The whole thing is rather irritatingly in ad-maximizing slideshow form and the commentary is anodyne, so here's a condensed and snarkier version. Buckle in, kids. We'll get through this together.

Mary Rambin's Secret Reality Show

Ryan Tate · 03/27/08 01:46AM

So you already knew about Mary Rambin's forthcoming reality show with fellow famous-for-nothings Julia Allison and Megan Asha. But did you know about her old, canceled, kind-of-sad reality show for ABC, One Ocean View? No? Well, don't feel bad, Google didn't know she was in it either. And Mary doesn't seem to talk about it much, probably because it was cancelled after just two episodes and, conveniently, her last name was never attached to the credits. But looking at photos and video from the two-year-old-show, it's not hard to figure out who the 24-year-old socialite handbag designer was. And then suddenly reading old reviews of a canceled show becomes a little fun! Also, there's a preview video with lots of Mary:

A Nightmare Becomes Real

Nick Denton · 03/24/08 04:39PM

Hey, check this out for a concept. What if the characters from your nightmares came back as reality show stars, and you were forced to watch, and blog, and watch yourself blogging, forever? As we reported this morning, two sets of Gawker characters are working on their own reality shows. We just got hold of Page Six magazine, which claims NBC begins filming Star magazine talking head Julia Allison and her fellow Gawker "angels" in April. Allison's It Girls production may run into the crew filming Kristian Laliberte, and assorted fellow socialites, who are scheduled to begin shooting The 10021 for ABC around the same time. Here, from the New York Post's Sunday insert, is a scan of the spread. ENLARGE»

Allison, Asha and Rambin dump the Web, embrace TV

Nicholas Carlson · 03/24/08 03:00PM

It's unclear if wanterpreneurs Julia Allison, Meghan Asha and Mary Rambin will cancel their Silicon Valley tour entirely, but word is the trio has wised up to venture-capital realities. Valley angel Ron Conway, an early backer of Google and, "has a list of 200 things he'd invest in and nowhere on there is content," Allison's friend David Karp, the founder of Tumblr, advised her. She got the same advice from Valleywag commenters. Undaunted, Allison, Asha and Rambin are already onto funding plan B. The New York Post reports the trio will star in a pilot for a reality TV show named IT Girls about creating their Web company. The difference between exposing every detail of their lives to Web viewers and TV audiences? The latter actually gets them paid.

A Reality Show for Fameball Trio?

Sheila · 03/24/08 11:10AM

Oh noes! If you read Page Six magazine in Sunday's Post, you would have found it impossible to ignore the item warning us about the possible upcoming reality show... starring Star magazine talking head Julia Allison, her bestfriend, handbag designer Mary Rambin, plus their other friend, former hedgefunder/current techblogger and "heiress to the Sun Microsystems fortune" Megan Asha.

Allison, Asha and Rambin receive Pittsburgh private-jet pitch

Jackson West · 03/20/08 08:00PM

A Mr. John French forwarded us a poorly punctuated invite. He seems to be extending it to the "Three Musketeers" — Julia Allison, Meghan Asha and Mary Rambin — for an all-expense paid trip to Pittsburgh and the Bahamas on the private jet of inveterate gambler Jeff Tott, who sits on Pittsburgh Financial's board of directors. Presumably they would want to explore "investment opportunities." Why not offer the getaway to Pittsburgh's own iJustine for her birthday? That seems easier. Update: And the answer is, um, no.

Manhunting no more, Allison, Asha and Rambin plan Sand Hill Road tour

Nicholas Carlson · 03/20/08 08:00AM

Julia Allison, Meghan Asha and their friend, bag designer Mary Rambin, are planning a mid-April trip to Silicon Valley. This time, they say they're after funding for their new startup — Oprah on the Web! — not geek boyfriends. The three met with some New York VCs last week and it went "well enough," Allison told me, that their next stop: Menlo Park. Ah yes: Broadway has become the warm-up act.

Viral Marketing Works: Restylane Injections for Everybody!

Sheila · 03/14/08 12:38PM

We take it all back: yesterday, we sniped at handbag designer Mary Rambin (also BFF of Star talking head Julia Allison, and older sister of jailbait soap star Leven) for getting the cosmetic filler Restylane in her face. After all, we said, she's only 26 — and vanity is a sin! But then we watched the before-and-after video, which could just as easily serve as a paid advertisement for a.) the celeb dermatologist Dr. Bobby, or b.) Restylane. (For all we know, she's under contract with both!) The video hit a little too close to home. Actually, it put the fear of God into us: Rambin got her nasolabial folds — aka "marionette" or smile lines — injected, 'cause hers were quite prominent... as are mine, I've been noticing for the past year. Now, instead of scolding other people for public vanity, all I can think is a.) How much? and b.) Where do I sign up? Bring it on! (Click for the video.)

Mary Rambin Cheerfully Admits to Restylane

Sheila · 03/13/08 03:50PM

"It never occurred to me that at the ripe old age of 26 that I would need a 'filler,' but apparently I did," blogs Mary Rambin, the handbag-designing beta chimp to the blogging-retired Star talking head Julia Allison's alpha. You might remember Mary as the older sister of Leven, the jailbait soap actress who a.) stole Julia's last boyfriend, and b.) is currently dating Mens' Vogue's Hud Morgan, who recently got slapped by the NYO's Spencer Morgan at the Beatrice. Now Mary is seeing Julia's dermatologist, who has convinced her to plump up her lips (or possibly her nonexistent wrinkles, we're not sure yet) with injections at the tender age of 26! (Video coming soon; we're waiting with bated breath.) Honey, that's not the thing that ladies are supposed to admit to! You're supposed to take a "nice vacation to Florida" for facelifts, or a "long lunch meeting" for chemical peels. Also? Rambin outed Allison as having hair extensions. (Guess that wasn't actually a secret; we knew there was something a little too shiny about that girl's weave!)

In Alpha Chimp's Absence, Tribe Turns to Beta Chimp

Sheila · 03/11/08 04:14PM

"I am ashamed of myself but in JA's absence, I have become obsessed with her 'friend' [Mary Rambin]," writes in a tipster. "Sixteen blog posts today!! do with this what you will ... and send someone here to kill me. I can't believe I've been sucked into caring about these people. But I care! Oh how I care!!!" Do not fret! Because you are not the first person to start sending in tips about Julia Allison's handbag-designer-or-whatever friend Mary since Julia stopped blogging. It's normal. It only proves researchers right: chimps have long enjoyed looking at photographs of the dominant chimps in their tribe. "I know it seems like I'm [Julia's] lady in waiting," Mary blogs. No, it seems like you are the appointed beta female. Why can't we look away? Because we're all just chattering monkeys, and recognizing hubris is good for group dynamics.

Mary Rambin Told The Funniest Homeless Joke!

Ryan Tate · 03/06/08 06:18AM

Mary Rambin is a fashion designer who is all about "liberating women" and who is the sister of actress and social hand grenade Leven Rambin, friend to sex columnist Julia Allison and recent recipient of a hilarious joke from her father in which a filthy starving homeless woman sets up a punchline about the importance of privileged wealth. Rambin illustrated the joke with the picture at left of the funny-looking brown woman. The joke is after the jump, along with a brief story about what Rambin said at this one party to this one girl who was all, "Bitch!"

A Julia Allison Moment

Nick Denton · 03/02/08 11:47AM

"The moment that normal people have normally takes a couple of cocktails first, to have a Julia Allison moment that she has every day because they are so much fun." (Designer Mary Rambin's sister, actress Leven, stole the dating columnist's last boyfriend, and now dates another estranged friend, Beatrice barfighter Hud Morgan of Men's Vogue. But Mary remains on Team Julia. You've seen their awesome joint birthday party; now watch the bestest friends go crazy in Florida. This Julia Allison moment was brought to you by Pink vodka.