Mark Wahlberg Wants Marky Mark Pardoned
Gabrielle Bluestone · 12/06/14 10:30AMTurns Out Mark Wahlberg Is Just So-So At Predicting Oscar Winners
Leah Beckmann · 02/28/12 02:06PMMark Wahlberg Is Off His Rocker Again, Maybe Because He Never Masturbates
Maureen O'Connor · 01/18/12 04:10PMMark Wahlberg Recalls That Time He Gouged a Man's Eye Out with a Stick
Florabel Mulvaney · 11/22/10 10:15AMThe Marky Mark Workout: Remembrance of Abs Past
Daniel Barnum-Swett · 02/03/10 11:45AMMark Wahlberg Skips Premiere Party, Would Rather Watch Hoops Than 'The Happening'
STV · 06/12/08 01:25PM
Call it a midlife crisis, queasiness or just sheer boredom, but good soldier Mark Wahlberg may have finally reached his leading-man saturation point with The Happening. It was bad enough that the gossips attribute his persistent new jitters to his work with "that scary motherfucker Manoj" Night Shyamalan, or that the actor fled Tuesday's premiere and afterparty to watch his Celtics battle the Lakers in the NBA Finals. But no on-screen spookiness could prepare him for the terrifying onslaught of questions about his past with the Funky Bunch: