
Gabrielle Giffords’ Gun Control Super PAC Releases its First Ad, Starring Her

Robert Kessler · 02/11/13 05:56PM

Americans for Responsible Solutions, the Super PAC founded by former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, former astronaut Mark Kelly, has released its first ad called "Let's Get This Done." The ad is narrated by Giffords, who is seen standing by her husband; it also shows pictures of memorials from several recent mass shootings, including the one that nearly killed Giffords.

'Our Leaders Don't Have the Courage to Act': Gabby Giffords' Husband Rips Gun Laws at Loughner Sentencing

Cord Jefferson · 11/09/12 06:10PM

Following Jared Loughner's January 2011 shooting rampage, which left six people dead, 13 wounded, and Congresswoman Gabby Giffords with a brain injury so bad she was forced to resign from office, Loughner was sentenced to 7 life terms, plus 140 years. But if there is a silver lining here, it's Giffords' husband Mark Kelly's call for gun-law sanity at Loughner's sentencing yesterday. Staring down his wife's attempted assassin, astronaut Mark Kelly called Loughner "cold-blooded" before launching into a righteous screed against America's absurdly lenient gun laws, and the craven politicians who cower behind the Second Amendment.

Gabby Giffords' Husband Simply Does Not Care for John Boehner

Jim Newell · 11/15/11 04:39PM

What do you say to a harsh criticism from astronaut-hero Mark Kelly, husband of wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords? You can't call him a jerk or anything. He's astronaut-hero Mark Kelly, husband of wounded Rep. Gabrielle Giffords! You just have to take it. Hear that, John Boehner? You will just have to take it.

Gabrielle Giffords Stands, Waves in First Public Appearance Since Shooting

Max Read · 06/27/11 11:06PM

Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords made her first public appearance on Monday since being shot in the head in January, standing and waving to the crowd at a NASA awards ceremony held at Space Center Houston. She didn't speak publicly, but "appeared to chat with people sitting around her, and laughed" at the introduction of her husband's crew. As encouraging as the appearance might have been, Giffords' staff has been attempting to manage over-optimistic expectations; her doctors have said that it'll be at least a year before they have a sense of the extent of her recovery. [ABC News]

Gabby Giffords Completes Successful Skull Surgery

Jim Newell · 05/19/11 12:43PM

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' surgery to replace part of her skull and stop fluid buildup in her brain, which sounds like an absolutely terrifying operation, went "very well" yesterday, according to her doctors. But who trusts doctors anyway? Fortunately her husband, astronaut Mark Kelly, was able to confirm the good news from outer space today, while bouncing around.

Gabby Giffords En Route to Husband's Shuttle Launch

Jim Newell · 04/27/11 03:05PM

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is making her first public outing since being shot in the head in Tucson this January. She boarded a NASA jet in Houston today that's flying to Florida's Kennedy Space Center, the spot from where astronaut husband Mark Kelly will launch into space on Friday as part of the shuttle Endeavor's last mission. You can check out some raw, hazy AP footage of Giffords boarding the plane up top. She walked from her car and up the ramp without assistance.

Nine-Year-Old Raises $2.85 for Gabrielle Giffords

Max Read · 01/21/11 12:53AM

Looking to have a nice little cry? Not a sad one, but a sort of sweet, hopeful, lump-in-the-throat kind of deal? Meet nine-year-old Isaac Saldana, who, behind his mother's back, sold his toys to donate $2.85 to Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.