
Lindsay's Fears, Anna's Snub, & Cindy's Confession

cityfile · 08/26/09 06:05AM

• Lindsay Lohan says she feels "scared" and "violated" after the break-in at her LA home last weekend. (We're guessing that's the same way Sam Ronson feels when she comes home to find LiLo waiting for her in the bushes, but what do we know?) In related news, though, Lohan's neighbors are now hoping she'll pick a new neighborhood to terrorize. [Sun, NYDN]
• Things don't always go Anna Wintour's way. When she headed to dinner after her David Letterman taping the other night, the poor editrix had to wait 20 minutes for her boyfriend, Shelby Bryan, to show up. And then the restaurant had the nerve to try and seat them at a non-private table. The indignity! [P6]
• Chelsea Handler has dumped her boyfriend, Ted Harbert. Making matters a little awkward: Harbert runs E!, which means her ex is still her boss. [NYDN]
• Cindy Crawford is coming clean about a deep, dark secret. She says that although you might have thought she had a perfect body, she really does have a bit of cellulite. Guess you'll have to focus on her inner beauty instead. [Star]

Miracle on 78th St: Marisa Noel Brown Finds a Buyer

cityfile · 07/06/09 07:30AM

That was quick! Marisa Noel Brown, the youngest daughter of disgraced hedge fund manager Walter Noel, and her husband Matt Brown, have found a buyer for their townhouse at 12 East 78th Street. The 20-foot-wide manse, which was officially listed for $12 million in May, went into contract late last week. No word yet on what the buyer agreed to pay for it, although it's probably substantially less than what the couple was hoping to get given how desperate they were to unload the property quickly. (It's almost certain they took a big loss on the sale: The couple purchased the home for $13.5 million in January 2008.) No word yet on who the buyer is either, although whoever it is will probably need to spend quite a bit of cash making the home inhabitable. Demolition work had just been completed on the six-story brownstone when the Noel family became embroiled in the Bernie Madoff scandal and the couple elected to put it up for sale. Update: A source "close to Ms. Noel Brown" tells the Observer that the price was $9.75 million. [Cityfile, Stribling]

Happy News From the House of Noel

cityfile · 06/16/09 02:50PM

Daily Intel has some exciting news this afternoon about Marisa Noel Brown. (You remember Marisa, don't you? She's the daughter of Walter Noel, the hedge fund manager who lost about $7 billion of his investors' money to Bernie Madoff.) It seems Marisa started a jewelry line last fall—a couple of months before the Noel name was disgraced forever—and Marisa happily reports that for the next week, her line will be featured in window of Henri Bendel on Fifth Avenue. Yay! She also says her company now has a website; do note that she seems to have dropped the "Noel" and is going by "Marisa Brown" these days. Do also give serious consideration to purchasing one of her $50-85 creations. "There's always the chance that Irving Picard will sue them and redistribute their profits to the old people and charities that lost all their money to Bernie Madoff." [NYM/Daily Intel]

Marisa Noel Brown Gives In

cityfile · 05/21/09 03:29PM

The townhouse belonging to Marisa Noel Brown has officially hit the market. The youngest daughter of disgraced hedge funder Walter Noel (who had $7.5 billion invested with Bernie Madoff), and the wife of Matt Brown (who worked for her father at Fairfield Greenwich), Marisa's been contemplating a sale for quite some time now. But now it's official and 12 East 78th Street has been listed with Stribling for $12 million. Keep in mind, though, that "it's well-known the couple is willing to take much less." [NYO]

Marisa Noel Brown Takes a Hit on East 78th

cityfile · 04/29/09 07:24AM

• Marisa Noel Brown, the daughter of disgraced Fairfield Greenwich Group founder Walter Noel, and her husband Matt, are officially putting their townhouse at 12 East 78th Street on the market. The Indiana limestone–faced manse, which the couple bought for $13.5 million in 2008 and then spent millions renovating, will be listed with Stribling's Patricia Farman-Farmaian for a mere $11.5 million. Quick cash buyers, please. [NYO]
Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon have reportedly paid "around $7 million" for a 11,750-square-foot mansion in Bel Air, Calif. [Real Estalker]

The Noels: Just as Awful as You Imagined

cityfile · 03/02/09 02:43PM

Vicky Ward's article on the Noel family from the April issue of Vanity Fair is now online. Don't expect the piece to change your impressions of disgraced hedge fund manager Walter, his wife Monica, or his five daughters and sons-in-law. (Former friends and neighbors describe the family as "irritating," "shameless," and "outlandish," among other things.) And you won't find the Noels to be any closer to figuring out that they've become personas non grata. The couple continue to turn up at parties—even though no one wants to be seen with them—and they keep "a folder of supportive letters from friends" which they pull out when visitors stop by their Greenwich home. Daughter Marisa Noel Brown seems to be adjusting a bit better, though! As she tells friends, "I've been poor before. I can be poor again." [VF]

It's All Smiles for Marisa Noel Brown

cityfile · 01/30/09 10:51AM

Marisa Noel Brown has been keeping busy. Despite the fact her father and husband have seen their reputations go up in smoke the last few weeks, face a slew of lawsuits, and will probably never live down the shame of having enabled Bernie Madoff for so long, the society fixture has made it to two events over the past week or so, including the Gilt Group's anniversary party last Thursday and yesterday's Junior Collector's Night at Doubles. Unfortunately, her peers haven't been quite as thrilled by her presence, at least judging by the look on Jennifer Creel's face, who'd probably rather be sticking pins in her eyes rather than stand next to Brown, but who manages to put on a brave nonetheless. Commenters on the socialite blog Park Avenue Peerage haven't been any kinder: "Marisa get out!!! You should have be in jail!!! Take all you family with you!!!!" says one. But at least Marisa was thoughtful enough to wear black, no?

Marisa Noel Brown Prays for a Miracle on East 78th

cityfile · 01/27/09 11:14PM

Marisa Noel Brown, the daughter of disgraced hedge funder Walter Noel, and her husband, Matt, may be looking to extricate themselves from their lavish Upper East Side townhouse. Marisa and Matt (who worked for his father-in-law's Fairfield Greenwich Group before Bernie Madoff came along) purchased the home at 12 East 78th Street for $13.5 million in 2008. They took out a hefy $9 million mortgage to do it, and have since spent millions more renovating the townhouse with its "pale gleaming Indiana limestone" facade. (The inside now has much more "open space" and a "lot of light.")

Marisa Noel Brown Parties On

cityfile · 01/26/09 11:30AM

Just because Marisa Noel Brown's father and husband have been thoroughly disgraced in recent weeks doesn't mean she has any intention of stepping away from the social circuit. Brown is co-hosting Junior Collector's Night at Doubles this Thursday and tickets are still available. Just be prepared to run for the exit if she takes you aside to tell you about a fantastic investment opportunity she's heard about. [GoaG]

Sam & Lindsay Scream It Out

cityfile · 12/24/08 07:10AM

• Was the "exhaustion" that sent Samantha Ronson to the hospital the result of a marathon screaming match with Lindsay? [TMZ]
• Walter Noel's five daughters are a bunch of maneaters who used to steal other girls' boyfriends, at least according to one of their former Georgetown classmates. [P6]
• Now that he's dated half the blondes in New York, Lance Armstrong says he's having a baby with his girlfriend, Anna Hansen. [NYDN, PM]
Star Jones has supposedly gained 30 lbs. recently and is now worried her boyfriend, chef Herb Wilson, is going to dump her because of it. [NE]

Bernie Madoff: The Collateral Damage

cityfile · 12/17/08 01:41PM

It's not just elderly Jews and the odd billionaire real estate mogul who will go down as victims of Bernie Madoff's mammoth $50 billion Ponzi scheme. There are a few blonde, beautiful, non-Jewish socialites who are suffering the consequences, too, such as the "five stunning daughters" of Walter Noel, who handed over a staggering $7.5 billion to Madoff. The most public of the five girls: Marisa Noel Brown (left), who has appeared in recent years Hampton Style and Town & Country, and, somewhat ironically, was last featured in the now-defunct magazine 02138. [GoaG]