
Former Professional Propagandist for White Supremacist and Torture Regime Decries Nazi Comparisons in Politics

Alex Pareene · 11/30/15 02:06PM

Marc Thiessen would like everyone in politics to please stop comparing their opponents to Nazis. Or rather, he would like everyone to stop evoking comparisons to Nazis, as the two politicians he calls out in his latest Washington Post column never actually said “Nazi” or “Hitler.” It’s not a very surprising or notable argument, really, especially from Marc Thiessen, whose continued participation in public life is dependent on enforcing a particular standard of “civility” in our political discourse.

Hamilton Nolan · 07/06/15 02:45PM

On the Confederate flag controversy: “Now come all these self-righteous liberals from cities such as New York, Los Angeles and Washington, doing what the Charleston shooter failed to do — sowing division and discord where none exist.”—Marc Thiessen, a white Republican who grew up in Manhattan and works in Washington.