
Accused Marathon Bomber Influenced by Infowars

Max Read · 04/23/13 05:20PM

Accused Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a fan of Infowars, the conspiracy-theory website operated by Texas radio host Alex Jones, the AP reports.

Tsarnaev Brothers Acted Alone, on Plan Driven by Tamerlan: Dzhokhar

Max Read · 04/23/13 07:14AM

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the 19-year-old student who, along with his brother Tamerlan, allegedly detonated two explosives at the finish line of the Boston Marathon last week, has indicated to authorities that the pair acted alone, with no connection to overseas terrorist groups, CNN and AP both report.

Bombing Suspect's Uncle Makes Raw Emotional Plea, Goes Viral

Cord Jefferson · 04/19/13 12:55PM

If a "star" is to emerge from this week of bloodshed and panic, it would seem that star has quickly become Ruslan Tsarni, uncle to suspected Boston Marathon bombers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Tamerlan is now dead following an early morning standoff with police. As authorities continue looking for Tamerlan's younger brother, the men's Uncle Ruslan took questions outside of his home in Montgomery Village, Maryland.