
Elite Yelp Cult Wreaks Havoc on Restaurants and Hors D'oeuvres

Adrian Chen · 06/03/11 10:20AM

Yelp: Full of altruistic, food-loving people who get a kick out of highlighting restaurants they love, right? Wrong. The "Yelp Mafia" is a violent ravenous mob, bound by a shadowy covenant whose only condition is power—and free food.

Roger Ailes Continues to Ruin His Adopted Home

John Cook · 05/10/11 03:41PM

The effort by Fox News chief Roger Ailes and his wife, Elizabeth, to transform their bucolic weekend retreat in upstate New York into the sort of paranoid swamp they're more at home in continues apace: Spy on reporters for the charming small-town newspapers they own? Check. Compulsively call the local cops because you're convinced people are out to get you? Check. Start physical confrontations with the aging owner of a competing tiny newspaper and threaten to sue him? Check.

Oprah KFC Coupon Riot!

Hamilton Nolan · 05/06/09 01:11PM

Queen of the USA Oprah gave out coupons to the whole world for a free KFC lunch today. And guess what: As we speak, there are Riots and Sit-Ins and Furor at KFC. BREAKING:

Teens Scream Against Sex

Hamilton Nolan · 02/08/08 05:47PM

Were you alarmed by an unruly crowd of hundreds of screaming adolescents in the Times Square vicinity today? Don't worry. It was just the TEEN MANIA teens holding their RECREATE '08 rally, taking a vocal stand against those things young adults hate: "substance abuse, violence, premature sexuality, Internet porn and more." Least. Fun. Rally. Ever. Beware of New Jersey's Izod Center this weekend, where 10,000 more religious A students will gather maniacally. The press release explains their crusade of sobriety: