
Mahmoud Takes Manhattan

Richard Rushfield · 09/25/09 12:50PM

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad came to Midtown this week to tell the United Nations General Assembly about Iran's "peaceful nuclear program" and how much he hates Zionists. His presence caused clashes between protesters and alleged Iranian agents on 48th Street.

Has The Iranian "Revolution" Already Been Crushed?

Foster Kamer · 06/27/09 08:00PM

Iranians who've been protesting the elections are being detained in wide reaching crackdowns. Ayatollah Ahmed Khatam noted that anyone contesting the election should be "dealt with without mercy." Iran's loudest opposition voices are quiet. Has the revolution been silenced?

The Revolution in Iran: A Recap

The Cajun Boy · 06/15/09 06:28AM

If you're like most Americans you spend your summer weekends tuning out the rest of the world. In the event you turned on your computer today and wondered, "What the hell is going on in Iran?"—Here's a summary.

Pro-Iranian Blogger Arrested By Iran For Blogging

Ryan Tate · 11/20/08 03:22AM

This would be ironically funny as an Onion article, but in real life it's just awful: Hossein Derakhshan, pictured, is a Toronto-based Iranian blogger who has grown more pro-Iran over the past two years, supporting the country's nuclear program and its three-decade-old Islamic revolution in the press. The dual Iranian-Canadian citizen blogs in both English and Farsi and generally tries to help people understand his home country. PR win for Iran and its blogger-in-chief Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, right? Actually no, because Derakhshan visited Israel last year for a blogging conference, and bogged there to "show the Iranians a more realistic image of this country," so he's been thrown in jail during a visit home, as a spy, reports The Media Line:

Dining with Mahmoud

cityfile · 10/28/08 07:13AM

Not everyone shuns Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad when he visits New York. Real estate mogul Joe Moinian and his socialite wife Nazee make it a point to meet with him to discuss politics! "When Mr. Amadinejad, the President of Iran was in town last year for UN Week, and again this year, Nazee was able to wangle an invitation to dine with him." says David Patrick Columbia. Hopefully Nazee also uses it as an opportunity to gift him some of those scent sprays and candles she sells at her Melonie de France on the UES. We're guessing he could use it. [NYSD]

Mahmoud Arrives in New York, Waves Goodbye

cityfile · 09/23/08 02:05PM

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke in front of the U.N. General Assembly today. (We didn't catch the speech but apparently he said something about the "the American empire being near collapse," which, given the events of the past week, sounds about right.) Then President Bush took to the podium and Mahmoud responded by, in the words of one reporter, "jabbing his thumb downward."

Iranian satirists wanted

Paul Boutin · 09/09/08 06:20PM

"Tehran, Sept 9, IRNA - First National Internet Satire Festival was launched with an aim of identifying Internet satirists and supporting them, creating a sound atmosphere for competition and introducing correct patterns of satire writing." The Iranians are funny people. Don't believe me? Read President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's 2006 letter to George W. Bush. The guy is a master of dry: "Aside from the Middle Ages, in what other point in history has scientific and technical progress been a crime?"

Come Tour Roland Emmerich Estates, The House That Hackery Built

STV · 08/07/08 04:45PM

We have to admit that while viewing a slideshow of features from Roland Emmerich's quirky London townhouse, we felt a momentary pang of affection for a man whose work had given us such personal and professional displeasure over the years. Seriously — how can anyone stay mad at a guy who has a waxwork of Pope John Paul II under his stairs (reading his own obituary, no less) or who pits a taxidermied zebra against massive Mao murals in his living area or, deliciously, keeps Prince Charles and Princess Diana dolls displayed in his fireplace? More to the point, how was this man responsible for 10,000 B.C.? We have other questions as well — including an open Defamer inquiry into the identity of an unusually sexy bedside photo subject. Help us figure it out after the jump.

Pareene · 11/27/07 09:20AM

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is really really sorry that he hasn't updated his blog, guys! "Since my last post on the blog, a few months have passed. But this doesn't ‎mean that I have not been keeping my promise of spending fifteen minutes per week ‎on it. As a matter of fact, I have spent more than the allocated time on the blog. The ‎magnitude of the reception and acclamation from the viewers was beyond ‎expectations. So I had to decide how to spend the limited time that I have allocated ‎for the blog; should I write new notes or respect those viewers who kindly and ‎generously have shared their thoughts and opinions with me and sent messages and read ‎their numerous received messages." He'll have so much more time to update now that that Tehran nuclear conference is finally over, though expect posting to drop off again near finals week. [Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Personal Memos]