
The Jason Calacanis inusufferability index to reach new heights with arrival of Tesla Roadster

Jackson West · 06/20/08 05:00PM

Mahalo founder Jason Calacanis is eagerly awaiting Tesla Roadster #16, which he's having painted Tang Orange. Expect lots of updates about how much better a steward of Mother Earth he is than you are. He's also teasing readers with the offer of a Tesla Roadster giveaway, but he needs 30-60 million pageviews to do it. If you could get that much traffic to go Mahalo's way, shouldn't he be offering you the position of CEO? [] (Photo by wmmarc)

Mahalo paying freelance guides only a little better than San Francisco's minimum wage

Jackson West · 06/11/08 03:40PM

Search startup Mahalo's maniacal overlord Jason Calacanis may want employees willing to work themselves to exhaustion in order to make his gamble pay off, but he's not paying particularly well for it — and he's certainly not paying wages that would allow someone to live anywhere near the company's Santa Monica headquarters, much less San Francisco or the Valley. Editorial director C.K. Sample III is looking for remote "guides" to edit search-entry pages for a mere $10 an hour, $0.64 more than San Francisco's minimum wage — and less than some day laborers make standing on the street corners of East L.A. But hey, working from home in your bare feet is so great, it's worth it! After the jump, Mahalo's pitch on Mediabistro.

Pick your career poison: Part-time Mahalo guide vs. Pete Cashmore's personal assistant

Nicholas Carlson · 06/06/08 06:20PM

The class of 2008 has already begun to realize the tragedy of actually having to work for a living. Cheer up, kiddos; it could be worse. You could be employed, part-time, cutting and pasting Google search results for Jason Calacanis's Mahalo. Or you could serve as Mashable CEO Pete Cashmore's personal assistant — the entry-level gigs facing off in our third matchup to determine the worst job in tech. Vote below.

Jason Calacanis refuses to answer twenty simple questions

Jackson West · 05/29/08 04:40PM

With Silicon Alley Insider suggesting that Mahalo founder Jason Calacanis has a gambling problem, I figured it was time to take the intervention up a notch. Calacanis has endorsed workaholism in the past, leading me to believe that he doesn't take what psychologists have termed "process addiction" particularly seriously. So I sent him the standard twenty questions from Gamblers Anonymous. He was incredulous. "R u asking me to respond to these for a valleywag post?!?" [sic] I suggested he tally up the responses and send that instead — after all, what does he have to worry about? GA suggests seven or more "yes" answers is indicative of a gambling problem. And betting a company's future on raising a venture capital round or angling for a higher valuation ahead of a sale counts.

Guess how much tech's 10 worst jobs pay

Nicholas Carlson · 05/27/08 07:00PM

To come up with the estimated pay for tech's 10 worst entry-level jobs we spoke to former and current employees, HR reps and friends of friends working these jobs. But still, some of our commenters expressed disbelief over the salary estimates. "80 grand for an entry level job? Time to apply and kick those whiney losers out! Let's see how they feel about their new job bagging groceries at the Safeway," wrote mwbeeler. Loakim said:

Tech's 10 worst entry-level jobs

Nicholas Carlson · 05/20/08 09:00PM

Soon America's most bright-eyed graduates will enter the workforce and make their workaday homes in cubes at Google, MySpace, or And they will suffer not just the indignity of having to work for a living, but also the dispiriting realization that a job at a cool company isn't always that hot. These employers, and the others hiring for tech's 10 worst entry-level jobs, listed below, will look spiffy on a resume someday, but for now the only good these jobs promise the world is the pleasant feeling you and I can share knowing we're not the ones stuck in them.

Tech's worst workspace: Mozilla

Nicholas Carlson · 05/19/08 02:20PM

What's so bad about Mozilla's Toronto workspace? Besides the fluorescent lighting, the colorless white walls and the folding tables, the worst thing about Mozilla's Toronto workspace is how we're sure management would improve it. With corporate graffiti, company logos and too many colors. That was management's trick at Facebook and look where readers ranked it in our poll on tech's ten worst workspaces — as tech's second-worst workspace, just after Mozilla. Check out the full list, below.

Rank tech's 10 worst workspaces

Nicholas Carlson · 05/16/08 08:00AM

After reviewing our post "The 10 worst workspaces in tech," commenter AdmNaismith described Facebook's office, pictured above, as "foggy, dank, dim, and utterly depressing." Commenter mothra1 hated Yahoo's New York offices more: "They suck! Lifeless and impersonal. Kinda like the douchebags who still actually work there." Meanwhile, Adobe apologist BlairHapjo told us we "clearly didn't get past Adobe's lobby," and the rest of the office features "Aeron chairs, real offices (with doors!), big picture windows." For us, the worst offices we found on Office Snapshots and elsewhere were the the ones that try too hard to seem Internet-hip, like Jajah and Google. Now it's time to settle the disputes. Below, vote for your least favorite and help us rank tech's 10 most dismal places to work:

The 10 worst workspaces in tech

Nicholas Carlson · 05/08/08 08:00PM

We've toured the top 10 workspaces in tech. Click to viewNow, we've gone back to Office Snapshots to find the 10 worst. What makes them so bad? Some offend with exposed fluorescent lights, gray cubicles and a dystopian corporate sheen. But others, with their pseudo-hip graffiti, kindergarten toys and plastic decorations — all in a desperate attempt to seem "Internet-y" — come off even worse. We'll start with Yahoo's New York digs.


Nicholas Carlson · 05/08/08 09:59AM


Mahalo founder and CEO Jason Calacanis not only pays his "guides" between $30,000 and $35,000 a year, he also houses them in what appears to be a poorly lit, post-apocalyptic strip mall. (Photos by Conrad)

Behind the scenes at the Mahalo Daily Idol auditions

Jackson West · 04/19/08 02:23PM

Bonny Pierzina broadcasted from live behind the scenes in Santa Monica for the Mahalo Daily Idol auditions via, and I've been assured that archives will be made available. The three judge panel of Mahalo founder Jason Calacanis, DiggNation co-host Alex Albrecht and cantankerous vlogger Loren Feldman voted Valleywag favorite Sarah Atwood on to the second round — glad to hear they didn't hold our endorsement against her. Audition wrap-up from the judges after the jump.

Sarah Atwood has my vote for Mahalo Daily Idol

Jackson West · 04/16/08 12:00PM

The clock is ticking down to Saturday's open casting call to fill the role of Mahalo Daily host. The job, formerly held by Veronica Belmont, is to serve as the pretty face for Jason Calacanis's site that's trying to cash in on top search terms. I'll go ahead and endorse Nerdtainment's Sarah Atwood. Am I just offering my recommendation because she put me in her audition video? Of course! But I do have other, less narcissistic reasons.

Jason Calacanis on bulldogs and steak knives — the two-minute version

Jordan Golson · 04/16/08 08:00AM

Crack videoblogger Robert Scoble heads to Mahalo to interview bulldog entrepreneur and blog blowhard Jason Calacanis. Scoble rolls 24 interminable minutes of virtual tape as Calacanis talks about the math of buying monitors and comfy chairs and how the backend of Mahalo works. Forget that. We trimmed the video down to the most important bits: bulldogs and Glengarry Glen Ross-inspired steak knives.

"Icy Hot Stuntaz — Revolutions"

Nicholas Carlson · 04/09/08 06:00PM

We hear Mahalo's "guides" — the editors who update the online directory's search-engine-friendly pages — only make between $30,000 to $35,000 a year, and their employer only grosses about $9,000 per month. But Sean Percival, Juan Aguilar and Mike Rhodes would you like to know they are nevertheless in possession of bling. Or something. Please tell us what. Best caption becomes the post's title. (Photo by sean percival)

Kevin Rose's ex-girlfriend Posh Suicide eyes Mahalo Daily gig

Nicholas Carlson · 04/07/08 06:40PM

A tipster tells us we're off in picking iJustine as the new host for Jason Calacanis's little-watched Mahalo Daily videoblog, previously known solely for featuring former CNET personality Veronica Belmont. "iJustine for Mahalo Daily? Really?" he writes.

Mahalo employee can afford a binary-tagged Audi A6

Nicholas Carlson · 04/07/08 12:20PM

We reported — and CEO Jason Calacanis didn't really deny — that Mahalo grosses about $9,000 a month. But don't worry about Mahalo employees. Here, for example, is Mahalo employee Sean Percival's Audi A6. It costs between $43,725 and $57,075 . Obviously, Percival is not a Mahalo guide. Surprisingly, Percival is a Mahalo guide. They only make $30,000 to $35,000, we hear. By the way, if this handy binary to text conversion tool is correct, Percival writes 011000100110000101100100 code. (Photo by Eric Rice)

Tipster: Mahalo revenues are around $9,000 a month

Nicholas Carlson · 04/04/08 11:20AM

At Mahalo CEO Jason Calacanis's Dim Sum 2.0 dinner in New York a couple weeks back, I was just within earshot when Calacanis told someone nearby that Mahalo was already profitable. A pleasant surprise, he said. Later, I asked him directly if Mahalo was profitable. "Not yet," he told me. Now a tipster tells us Mahalo isn't even close — with 4 million unique visitors a month on 8 million pageviews, the site's monthly gross is $9,000.