Justin Bieber's Wax Statue Ruined From Repeated Groping
Taylor Berman · 02/11/14 01:28PMThe Best and Worst Celebrity Wax Figures
Leah Beckmann · 10/09/11 11:21AMAs far as gimmicky tourist attractions go, none tops the great Madame Tussaud and her house of clones. Not to wax poetic here, but there is something equal parts satisfying and unnerving about a dead-eyed Susan Boyle. The resemblance is uncanny! And even if it isn't and the wax statue looks nothing like its real-life counterpart, well, even that is something to see.
Anderson Cooper's Lustful On-Air Plea for 'Sweet, Pasty Flesh'
Matt Cherette · 09/14/11 09:41PMOn tonight's AC360, Anderson Cooper punished himself for being too into himself by putting himself on his own Ridiculist and then claiming his vanity explosion was the result of his obsession with his brand new Madame Tussauds wax figure. Said Cooper: "This is about nothing more than my love for sweet, pasty imitation flesh—and yes, I look forward to that line being taken out of context." Oh Andy, it was my pleasure!