
Graydon Carter's Hair Sets the Mood

Ryan Tate · 03/23/10 07:22PM

Bow Wow carpet-bombed Twitter; Graydon Carter's hair hit the social scene; and Lynn Fox called herself a mean name. The Twitterati were out, about and running off at the mouth.

CEO Demoted to Couch Surfer

Ryan Tate · 02/25/10 07:42PM

The founder of bankrupt Veoh looked for a place to crash; Palm's chief flack cracked wise about the stock; and John Mayer saved himself from being heckled at the gym. The Twitterati adjusted to sudden reversals.

Palm poaches another Apple executive

Owen Thomas · 03/27/08 10:36PM

Jon Rubinstein, the chairman of Palm, is once again striking former boss Steve Jobs where it hurts — Apple's talent. The latest hire: Lynn Fox, the head of Mac PR, joined Palm earlier this month. For a PR person, she's made the move surprisingly quietly; her name has yet to appear on any press releases. As with Mike Bell, the Apple veteran who now heads Palm's product development, Rubinstein is likely trying to keep things quiet. Relations between Palm and Apple, whose iPhone is walloping Palm's Treo, are tense enough as it is.