
Teen Hacker Recluse Has a Girlfriend, Surprisingly

Adrian Chen · 08/31/11 10:36AM

In the public imagination, a hacker is a pale teenaged boy with Aspergers, huddled over a computer in his bedroom at his mom's house. This is all true of 19-year-old British hacking suspect Ryan Cleary! But he also has a girlfriend.

How a Hacker Mastermind Was Brought Down by His Love of Xbox

Adrian Chen · 08/16/11 02:21PM

If you're a hacker, you can't trust anyone. Even the fellow gamers in an Xbox forum. That's how an 18-year-old leader of the notorious hacking group Lulz Security got tripped up, according to one of his comrades.

Department of Homeland Security Totally Disses 'Anonymous'

Adrian Chen · 08/04/11 12:50PM

The hacktivists of Anonymous are often dismissed as unskilled noobs. But now the Department of Homeland Security has called out Anonymous as "script kiddies" with rudimentary hacking skills. Oh no they didn't.

Meet the LulzSec Leader Arrested by British Police Today

Adrian Chen · 07/27/11 01:46PM

British police announced today that they arrested a 19-year-old hacker in Scotland's isolated Shetland Islands who used the nickname "Topiary" online. Here's what we know about this core member of the hacking group Lulz Security, from interviews and leaked chat transcripts.

Rupert Murdoch Found Dead, According to Hacked Murdoch Paper

Adrian Chen · 07/18/11 05:19PM

The hacking group LulzSec appears to be back, with a very timely hack of Rupert Murdoch's British tabloid The Sun—the sister publication of the dead News of the World. And they warn, ominously, that they've got emails, too.

Vigilantes Out Wrong Guy as Hacker Mastermind

Adrian Chen · 07/14/11 03:40PM

One of the favorite pastimes of hackers is attempting to expose other hackers. These attempts at "doxing," as it's called, almost always identify the wrong people. The latest victim is a Portuguese guy who's been fingered as a ringleader of the hacking groups Anonymous and Lulz Security.

When to Freak Out About a Hacker Attack

Adrian Chen · 07/07/11 06:30AM

This summer it seems every day brings dire news of a new data breach perpetrated by shadowy hackers. For those prone to panic, it might be enough to end in a hospital visit. But there's no need to freak out about every single attack reported by a hacker-obsessed media.

British Hacker Suspect Charged With Cybercrimes

Adrian Chen · 06/22/11 11:51AM

The 19-year-old suspect in the Lulz Security hacking spree has been been charged with "cybercrimes," including a DDoS attack on the British Serious Organized Crime Agency, according to Sky News—no charges related to hacks in the U.S. were filed.

Lulzsec Hackers Declare War on Government Agencies

Adrian Chen · 06/20/11 05:40PM

The swashbuckling hacking group Lulz Security says it's teaming up with fellow hacking group Anonymous to wage war on government agencies and anyone who gets in their way. Everyone: Change all your passwords to ninety-character strings of random letters and symbols!

CIA: Hack Wasn't Really a Big Deal

Adrian Chen · 06/16/11 03:55PM

According to a CIA spokeswoman, the Lulz Security hack attack that took down the CIA's public website for several hours yesterday was no big deal. But... what about cyberwar!

Sony Hacked at Least Five Times Since Friday

Adrian Chen · 05/24/11 01:51PM

Hey, hackers! If you're bored, you might as well just point your computer at Sony. Everyone else is: Sony was hit by at least five hack attacks since Friday, exposing thousands more customers' information.

Database of Fox Employees' Passwords and Emails Leaked

Adrian Chen · 05/10/11 09:49AM

Fox Broadcasting employees might want to change their passwords: A database of about 300 employees and associates' email addresses and passwords, apparently stolen from a database, have been leaked by a hacking group that previously stole thousands of X Factor contestants' personal information.