
Giant Buffalo Wedding Brawl Took Seven Police Departments to Break Up

Enid Shaw · 09/17/14 10:15PM

A country club wedding in a Buffalo suburb devolved into an enormous melee that required police officers from seven different agencies to respond, the Buffalo News reports. Hours after the happy couple exchanged their vows, one witness told the newspaper, family members were screaming that they hated each other, punching holes in the walls, and splattering the dance floor with one another's blood.

Joshua Kelley Just Won't Shut Up About Curling Katherine Heigl's Hair

Molly Friedman · 06/26/08 04:30PM

After a whirlwind month of snubbing her fame-enabling Grey’s Anatomy writers, the entire Academy of Television Arts & Sciences and anyone unlucky enough to get a whiff of her second-hand smoke, Katherine Heigl is somehow still idolized and worshiped by her emasculated husband Joshua Kelley. As we noted yesterday, Heigl spent most of Kelley’s weekend gig at Hotel Cafe shouting out requests for songs, songs which have all been recently altered to include the name Katie in place of any other girl’s name. But most disturbingly, the “rocker” reportedly overshared the fact that he had “curled her hair” before the show. And just how important is it that Kelley spend his pre-show time grooming his pompous pony? So important that he’s suffered third-degree burns and dehabilitated his ability to play the guitar, all in the name of love. The excruciating details, after the jump.

Emily Gould · 12/14/07 02:15PM

BREAKING! Contrary to prior reports here today, now we hear that Patrick Moberg, who spotted flower-behind-the-ear-having Black Book intern Camille on the subway and later tracked her down via the internet, actually is less into her than she is into him. A lot less. Says someone in-the-know: "He did dump her...they're going to stay friends. It was amicable."

Joshua Stein · 12/14/07 01:25PM

BREAKING! We hear that Camille, that flower-behind-the-ear-having intern at Black Book who was spotted on the subway by Patrick Moberg and later located via the internet, isn't as into him as he is into her.

Joshua Stein · 10/26/07 01:45PM

If one Googles "sweet things to say" today (which some of us do when our hearts are full of hatred), this is what will come up: "ok good, im happy its u, that came into my life, bc i know u care, i know u r gonna be there for me when i need ya, i honestly u know u love me, in my heart, i honestly wanna share every happy, every sad, every single moment of my life with u, i dont mean to rush into anything, but its amazing i feel these feelings so fast and that they feel right, i just happy, i wanna share most of my first times with u." []