
'She's Grown Up'

Hamilton Nolan · 03/30/09 08:48AM

The New York Daily News sez: It's now fair to masturbate to Madonna's 12-year-old.

Madonna Slips Female Fan Some Tongue On Stage, Lourdes Asks 'Is Mommy Gay?'

Molly Friedman · 05/07/08 11:00AM

Madonna can pretty much do whatever she wants at this point and the world will shrug its shoulders, whether she's assaulting Justin Timberlake with needles or spreading her soon-to-be-50-year old legs on album covers. But the vocally-challenged icon has taken her recent trip down memory lane as a pansexual nympho to new heights by inviting a female fan on stage during her concert last night and pulling a repeat performance of Madonna And Britney Spit Swap. Why? As she put it, "Why do I have this relationship with France? I'm always drawn to working with French people - and frenching French people...Vive la France!" A closer look at the kiss step by step, plus suddenly gorgeous daughter Lourdes' reaction, after the jump.