
Emily Gould · 11/19/07 12:00PM

Have you seen the website "men who look like old lesbians"? Its genius lies in its simplicity. We have never been able to put our finger, before, on what exactly it is about Kyle MacLachlan and Psychedelic Furs singer Richard Butler and Canadian singer-songwriter Bruce Cockburn (pictured) but: that's what it is.

Emily Gould · 10/02/07 04:52PM

It's not that I am suggesting that you go to the New Yorker cartoon bank and try your hand at making a LOLNewYorkerCartoon. I don't care either way. I'm just putting it out there that this is an option.

U Can Haz LOLhans

Emily Gould · 07/05/07 10:10AM

We knew someone would make Lindsay Lohan macros eventually, but what we didn't know was how funny they would be. Way to go, internets!