
Moscow's Wild Dogz: Do Not Want

Sheila · 02/19/08 11:32AM

They're out of control, and they do not look like the cutie on the left! Residents have taken to carrying bits of sausage and pepper spray to pacify the packs of feral dogs that live in the subway tunnels and roam the streets. Since the fall of the Soviet Empire, shooting wild dogs on sight has fallen out of fashion. "Come spring, their numbers are swelled with puppy power." [ABC News]

Early LOLDogs Paintings Found

Sheila · 02/13/08 01:47PM

Before humans took pictures of cats, added funny captions, and spent their free time viewing said photos on the internet, our early ancestors enjoyed painting depictions of dogs. These early LOLDog paintings lacked captions and are much rarer than LOLCats—which is probably why the painting to the left fetched $66,000 at an auction last night. Click for more early LOLDog analysis, and their evolution into the LOLCats we know and love today.