
"How Many Models Does It Take To Screw In A Lightbulb?"

Hamilton Nolan · 09/22/08 03:47PM

Dave Hill is a legitimate funnyman who got famous on the internet with his Black Metal Dialogues, and continues to float around New York being funny in various funny places. The latest of those places: Fashion Week. Dave digs for the answers to questions like, "What does Anna Wintour put behind her ears to be more attractive?" and "Have you heard of that new designer Trig Palin?" The answers will shock and amaze you. This is the best fashion show-related comedy (yes, it's an easy target) since Ali G's Bruno. Japery!:

The New Goldman Sachs

Hamilton Nolan · 09/22/08 09:43AM

Goldman Sachs has never had to depend on TV advertising. It's far too populist a medium for the king of investment banks. But now that Wall Street is dead, Goldman may have to actually go after the public at large. So Gawker video maven Richard Blakeley "recontextualized" some work by comedian Fritz Donnelly , ending up with this ad prototype that Goldman will likely want to steal. Pay attention, fancy financiers: this is how you sell to real people. Click to watch the future of American economic messaging.

AIG Takes Its Ads And Slinks Away Quietly

Hamilton Nolan · 09/18/08 09:07AM

The ad industry is perfectly confident that this whole "meltdown of the US economy" thing will be but a blip on their radar. Uh, as long as you weren't on that AIG account. The broke ass insurance giant has (wisely) decided to pull all of its corporate advertising for the remainder of the year, which will save them slightly less than 0.1% of the $85 billion they now owe to you, the taxpayer. More importantly it will save them the absolute humiliation of the ads themselves, in which a little tot can sleep safely knowing that his family has AIG and its "Strength to be there." [In debtor's prison]. You won't have to see this bullshit any more:

Big Black Car: Prince of Darkness Mows Down Pedestrian In DC Mêlée

Pareene · 07/23/08 10:52AM

Robert Novak-respected conservative journalist/commentator and grim spectre of soulless walking death-ran over a guy in his black Corvette this morning. Hilariously, a Politico reporter got the story by walking by. Novak hit the guy and then continued merrily speeding along until a bicyclist stopped him and said "you hit someone." Novak allegedly threw his head back and cackled for a moment before shooting him. There are no details about the pedestrian's condition. Look, we need to share more details about this with you. Just click.

Sasha Frere-Jones Sings!

Pareene · 06/06/08 03:34PM

Would you like to hear New Yorker music critic Sasha Frere-Jones sing the hits of Kelly Clarkson? Sure, we all would! Thankfully, The New Yorker has us covered. Sasha wrote an entertaining piece on auto-tune (the software that corrects pitch problems and can also be used to make wacky robot vocals), and then went to Hoboken with a sound crew to get auto-tuned himself. Attached, a clip of Sasha singing "Since U Been Gone." Click through to the whole piece to hear him get all T-Pained out. [New Yorker]

My young, white, and nerdy boys, let me show you them

Melissa Gira Grant · 04/25/08 04:40PM

CAMBRIDGE, MA — There's still hope, future. A full half of the people behind ROFLcon, the world's largest concentration of Internet-inspired pop-culture trends in one room, are female. Or, as they might put it, IRL LULZ 50% XX! As it's now officially impossible to host a tech-related conference without asking, Where are the women?, a "commenter" posed this to the morning's first all-guy panel. "Girls just have better things to do," answered Kyle "Paperclip to House Guy" MacDonald. Other possible explanations?

How Not To Advocate Responsible Drug Use on FOX

Pareene · 03/25/08 02:50PM

Former Jezebel intern and attempted Paris Hilton free-er David Seaman was on Fox's Morning Show With Mike and Juliet today to talk about Salvia, the hot new (legal!) drug that's taking America's colleges by storm. "They told me I'd be on to talk about why I'm in favor of keeping certain drugs legal," Seaman said in an email to friends and colleagues, "and why many college students agree that some decriminalization for soft drugs makes sense." He had a little argument worked out and everything! But he was on The Morning Show With Mike and Juliet so they actually just sat him next to some mook who posts clips of kids having bad trips on YouTube and interviewed a doctor who says all the drugs will cause deadly car crashes. Then they introduced a girl whose brother killed himself on the Salvia! Seaman's entertaining email describing his ordeal is after the jump. A brief clip is attached.

When Blog Memes Collide

Emily Gould · 09/19/07 04:40PM

Lolsecretz is PostSecret, the blog where people send in their deepest darkest feelings on postcards, crossed with Lolcat, where people ascribe poorly spelled human emotions to animals. You're welcome.