
Humpback of the Harbor

Gabriel Snyder · 04/09/09 10:15AM

Today is turning out to be very maritime oriented: A humpback whale has been spotted swimming under the Verrazano Bridge in the New York Harbor. This is kinda cool, and also kinda worrying.

Media Bubble: Hearst to Head Home

Jesse · 04/21/06 03:29PM

• Hearst mags get move-in dates for new tower, where the cafeteria will serve sushi five days a week. [NYP]
• Four Time Inc. mags will move their TOCs to the first page, sponsored by Philips Electronics. Finally, the cure magazines have been searching for. [WSJ]
Housekeeping no longer so good for EIC Ellen Levine? [WWD]
• High-end book pubisher Rizzoli looks to enter U.S. magazine market with a title that's "Time Out meets Star magazine with N mero kind of fashion," whatever the hell that might mean. [FWD]
• Critics should stop worrying so much about the Times and focus more on the sins of local TV news, says Brian Montopoli. Coming soon from Public Eye: Is your weatherman really jolly?! [Public Eye/CBS]
• More Times blogs: Now covering state politics. (Oh, shit. Were we not supposed to be talking about the-paper-that-cannot-be-named anymore? Sorry.) [The Politicker/NYO]
• Elizabeth Spiers popularized the word "snarky" when she worked for Gawker. It's a testament to our precocity, then, to have been miraculously using it even before blogs existed. [Downtown Express]

Breaking: Baby Still Stuck in Well

Jesse · 04/14/06 03:45PM

Just in case you care — and God knows we certainly don't — that cat is still stuck in that wall, and what seems like every New York City press organization has a representative camped out on Hudson Street waiting for its triumphant reappearance. (Waiting for it to be risen?) As of a few minutes ago, it hadn't.

Remainders: The Miracle of Sean Preston's Birth, Yours to Own

Jesse · 03/23/06 05:24PM

• The art you've always wanted: A sculpture of Britney Spears giving birth. On a bearskin rug. And "the crowning of baby Sean's head." Where would you find such a thing? In Williamsburg, of course. [Send2Press]
• This week's Times correction of the week: "An article in The Metro Section on March 8 profiled Donna Fenton, identifying her as a 37-year-old victim of Hurricane Katrina who had fled Biloxi, Miss., and who was frustrated in efforts to get federal aid as she and her children remained as emergency residents of a hotel in Queens. Yesterday, the New York police arrested Ms. Fenton, charging her with several counts of welfare fraud and grand larceny. Prosecutors in Brooklyn say she was not a Katrina victim, never lived in Biloxi and had improperly received thousands of dollars in government aid." People are so nit-picky these days. [NYT]
AC 360 finds a new scourge to campaign against: The evil practice of puppy smuggling. [CNN]
• There are dates that end well and dates that end less well. And then there are dates the end in night court. Even worse, without Judge Harry T. Stone. Yikes. [CourtTV]
• Is this for real? Who knows. But it would seem that Mobile, Ala., residents found themselves a leprechaun on St. Patrick's Day, according to the local NBC affiliate. [YouTube]

David Pogue Finds Solutions to Problems We Didn't Know We Had

Jesse · 03/23/06 09:52AM

We like technology, really we do. (Yay, technology!) But we confess that David Pogue's latest wet dream, recounted in today's paper, leaves us a bit flummoxed. It seems there's a new gizmo that, when hooked up in your house, allows you to watch your home TV anywhere you can get a WiFi signal to your laptop — or even a cell signal to your Treo. ("Now you can watch your home TV anywhere you can make phone calls — a statement that's never appeared in print before today (at least not accurately)," Pogue proudly proclaims.)

Media Bubble: Watching O'Reilly

Jesse · 03/20/06 12:39PM

• Nick Lemann has 5,000 words on Bill O'Reilly. Which we'll get around to reading soon. [NYer]
• David Carr thinks VF, underneath all its bullshit, is actually a pretty good mag. [NYT]
• And Jon Friedman thinks that all the other magazine editors are ganging up on poor David Remnick. [MW]
• We always thought Bill Beutel was kind of a little crazy, but that's probably because we only really watched him in his later years. He helped invent Eyewitness News, and he died Saturday. [NYT]
• Bloggers "are the new media darlings," and — shockingly — many hope to get paid gigs with traditional media. [Newsday]
• More breaking insights: An attractive grad student who is raped and murdered makes for great tabloid fodder. [Baltimore Sun]
• No Hachette mags were among the Ellie finalists. Again. [WWD]

Or, How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Doppler

Jesse · 08/23/05 10:55AM

Things were so much simpler when we were kids. The weekday Times cost 35 cents. Rock lived at 102.7. And at 11:00 we'd all watch Al Roker tell us where it was raining, thanks to his handy-dandy Doppler 4.