
What Are Your Favorite Movies to Watch During the Holidays? 

Aleksander Chan · 12/12/14 03:21PM

There is no finer tradition in this great country of ours than sitting on our asses and watching TV. And with the holiday season upon us, it's prime time to couch with your extended family. You guys probably watch the same movies every year. What are they?

Queens: The Brooklyn Of Brooklyn

Hamilton Nolan · 05/15/08 01:11PM

Middling Queens neighborhood Jackson Heights (whoa now, Queens residents) is taking on fancy Brooklyn writer's enclave Park Slope in some provocative ads! "More Park Less Slope" they say, mystifyingly. "Queens Is The New Brooklyn." They also made themselves a neat little "JH" logo shaped as a man resembling Mr. Peanut. Break out the checkbooks, home buyers! Jackson Heights is preferable to Park Slope, based on arrogance levels alone. But the established lowest-to-highest rankings of NYC boroughs (Staten Island- Bronx- Queens- Brooklyn- Manhattan- Philadelphia) will never change. Bigger picture of the aspirational ad, after the jump.