
Ex-NFL Player's Mistress Kidnaps and Kills His Wife, Then Herself

Brendan O'Connor · 07/19/15 10:50AM

On Thursday, two women were found dead in an SUV after a car chase on Interstate 20, in Alabama. Police said that Lisa Brown had kidnapped Sandra Barnett from her home on Wednesday. Barnett was the wife of former NFL player Buster Barnett; Brown was his mistress.

Madison Avenue's revenge: New ad boss is AOL's seventh since 2001

Nicholas Carlson · 03/14/08 11:14AM

When new AOL ad boss Lynda Clarizio replaced Curt Viebranz, his head was the sixth to roll at AOL since 2001. Viebranz followed Myer Berlow, Robert Friedman, Robert Sherman, Lisa Brown and Michael Kelly. Three lasted less than a year. None of them succeeded, according to Bits, because AOL's reputation on Madison Avenue remains tattered from the pre-merger days when Berlow and former AOL CEO Bob Pittman would spurn agencies to work directly with marketers, locking them into long-term deals at inflated prices. Take heed, Google's Tim Armstrong. (Photo by macloo)